Customized Minimum Night Stay Failed

Level 1
Minneapolis, MN

Customized Minimum Night Stay Failed

I had my minimum night stay at 3 nights, but a customized minim night stay of 7 nights from Memorial Day thru Labor Day.  Yet I got a 3 night Instant booking in June.  I'm new and only have 3 reviews so didn't dare cancel it.  I contacted Support and they told me to do my Settings exactly as I already had them.  Since I had no other openings this summer I just changed back to a 3 night minimum for all dates.  But now I have an opening for a week in August and again want a 7 night minimum during the summer.  I turned "Instant Book" off and changed my settings to a 7 night minimum, intending to change it back to 3 nights once I get the week in August booked.  But I really want people to be able to book 3 nights in the fall now.  Any suggestions?

Top Answer
Top Contributor
Cannes, France

Hello @Jami2626 


There has been a lot of talk on the CC about this subject and it seems that hosts who opted in for the new version of Airbnb lost their original settings.  You can make a search above in the search window but it would seem that they only way to set different minimum stays is to opt into "the professional tools".


This feature is now available to all hosts not just those with multiple listings.  I think it's a great feature and I have several different length stays programmed for my listing.  A new "multi-calendar" appears and this one is linear and from there you can "create new rule sets" which allows you to set different length of stays, promotions, set arrival and departure days.


Here is a link to an earlier conversation on the CC but there are many others too:


All the best


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1 Reply 1
Top Contributor
Cannes, France

Hello @Jami2626 


There has been a lot of talk on the CC about this subject and it seems that hosts who opted in for the new version of Airbnb lost their original settings.  You can make a search above in the search window but it would seem that they only way to set different minimum stays is to opt into "the professional tools".


This feature is now available to all hosts not just those with multiple listings.  I think it's a great feature and I have several different length stays programmed for my listing.  A new "multi-calendar" appears and this one is linear and from there you can "create new rule sets" which allows you to set different length of stays, promotions, set arrival and departure days.


Here is a link to an earlier conversation on the CC but there are many others too:


All the best
