Damages by Guests

Level 2
Mumbai, India

Damages by Guests


in the last 2 bookings, I’ve had guests who have broken coffee mugs, coffee jars. Misused my water purifier. Etc. 


none of these are big costs that cannot be managed but at the same time, it’s an expense to me. What’s the ideal way to deal with this? Should I just account of small damages in my nightly rate or should I get this reimbursed by the guest? Can someone pls help me. 

4 Replies 4
Level 10
Stellenbosch, South Africa

Hi @Karishma14 

I would definitely just see it as part of the cost of doing business. For me the bigger challenge is to keep finding matching glasses, so good luck with that! 

Hey @Shelley2 ,


I’ve also had a guest who has left the air conditioner on for hours, after leaving the apartment. How do I deal with that? Is it rude to call it out to them? 

yes i think it is rude, and i don't think it is a big issue to leave the air conditioner on after leaving the apartment. 

Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I get it. I just don’t want a guest to take advantage of me overlooking  such things, as the AC part is alright. But in the future; if someone leaves the heater or any other appliance that causes irreparable damage  to my apartment (fire)  it would be a very big issue. So I want to know as to where should one start drawing a boundary.