Decline booking after acceptance based on recent reviews unknown at the time of booking

Decline booking after acceptance based on recent reviews unknown at the time of booking

Even with IB activated, we still review guests profiles to ensure they do not have bad reviews and that they leave reviews for other hosts (if this is not their first stay). 


We also re-review the guest profile a few days prior to arrival to see if anything has changed.


We recently had a guest with 3 excellent reviews at the time the reservation is confirmed, but between this moment and their arrival date, they received 2 really bad reviews. 


We wanted to cancel their reservation based on this new information. 


However, when we contacted Airbnb support and explained our concerns, we learned from Airbnb support that if we cancelled based on these recent bad reviews that were NOT KNOWN when reservation was confirmed that we will incur penalties from Airbnb and possible loss of SuperHost status! 


What can be done to change the option for hosts to cancel AFTER a reservation is confirmed based on reviews from other hosts not known at the time of booking?  

2 Replies 2
Level 4
Porto, Portugal

Hello @Paul---Amy0 , 

If a Host uses Instant Book, they may be able to cancel the reservation for additional valid reasons without penalties under certain circumstances. Some examples include:

  • The guest makes it clear they are likely to break one of the Host’s house rules, such as bringing a pet or smoking
  • The guest has several unfavourable reviews or a lack of profile information that concerns the Host (this is the reason why the reservation can be cancelled without penalties in your case).

Hosts will be able to cancel Instant Book reservations online for these reasons in most cases, but sometimes they may have to Airbnb support to cancel without consequences.

I have personally used this option and cancelled  IB several times without any problems.

Kind regards. 


HI @Paul---Amy0 ,


Interesting conundrum presented here! I am unaware of any formal pathway to remove a guest for this aspect. It seems you would be stuck with a cancelation initiated on your end, which is something to be avoided, obviously.


Here's some thoughts:


- for the bad reviews, can you determine what the issue was? If it is for something where the guest violated house rules or AIRBNB rules and you worry it will happen at your listing then that may be grounds for AIRBNB to get involved. 


- if you can't determine the reason for the lower review, have you reached out to the host that posted it to ask for some details?  I have done this once with a guest with a 4 star review and didn't have any problem with keeping the reservation after feedback from this host.


- alternatively, you could have a frank conversation with the guest. "Hey Guest, would you mind adding some background into your experience at blah, blah where the host gave you a "insert rating here"? We just want to make sure this is a good experience for both sides?


- if  the issue for the low rating was something like, they parked in the wrong spot, didn't follow check out instructions, were on the messy side, you could just make sure that your messaging is really clear for whatever issue. If it is a case in this scenario, for our listing at least, I wouldn't be too worried, I would just chalk it as par for the course and alert my team if needed.


Good luck with this guest!