Declining a guest with no reviews

Level 2
Haliburton, Canada

Declining a guest with no reviews

Can you decline a guest, that has no reviews even though they have been a member for 4 years and there is no government id or profile pic, it was done in the middle of the night. I don’t feel right about it, but I’m not sure what to say to them 

31 Replies 31

I'm with you Katarina, I feel uncomfortable sharing my space with a first name and a goverment id.


I'm with you Katarina, I feel uncomfortable sharing my space with a first name and a goverment id.  I have accepted people with no reviews and they have been fabulous, I have declined bookings as well. I just have no information to go on sometimes. I wish Airbnb encouraged people to provide this!!!


Level 7
Dresden, ME

I am super frustrated when guest don't have any profile information. It would be so easy to provide even a single sentence profile: "I'm Bob and I like animals, and hanging out in coffee shops"  My very last guest joined airbnb the same month as the booking, had no profile information, and the introduction email was "we are hoping to arrive by 9, signed Bob and Martha" Our check in until 9 and since they were driving from 6 hours away I was convinced they would arrive after check in. All of this made me really uncomfortable but I accepted the booking and the guests turned out to be amazing. They left incredible cheese from their dairy with a thank you note,and not only did they take the bedding off the bed they also folded the sheets and pillows beautifully on the bed. It was the complete opposite of how they presented themselves online.

I've had lots of guests who have no reviews, or their profile picture is some kind of obscured pattern (not a clear face...or even a face), and it is frustrating. I like @Emilia42  's request for more info. It is nicely worded. Much better than "I don't feel comfortable sharing my space with "Bob" with a goverment id!" Which I have said to guests before.

I really wish Airbnb would encourage guests to provide some profile info and  introductory requests. I always (as a guest before hosting) sent a note asking to book, with info about myself, my travelling companion and the reason for our stay... It seems like this would be instinctive for someone asking a host to share their their space whether the host is present or not.

Airbnb tells me that if I ever feel uncomfortable with a booking I can contact them...but truth be told I feel uncomfortable with these guests right up until they check out and I see how they leave the room!


Level 2
Chapel-en-le-Frith, United Kingdom

These days I will not even consider guests with no reviews....I used to consider it, but newbies are high risk and I have had a couple of bad experiences way back in the past. So now I always decline. I ask myself 'would I allow someone to stay in my house, have potential access to my belongings, my space, my life etc.... without knowing anything about them?'


I feel that this situation could improve, if AirBnB, firstly realised that inviting a stranger in to my house, someone that I have never met, and know almost nothing about is bordering on reckless and possibly dangerous, and secondly if AirBnB forced guests to give more info to hosts....a profile, a picture, a full name, maybe even a reference, then hosts may be more comfortable with newbies


I have just had a request...all I got was their first name! Nothing else, just XXXX wants to stay, they had one verification, no profile, no could be anyone. I know we all started somewhere with AirBnB and with reviews, but so did the many night mare guests....and they are out there, I have been unfortunate to host a couple over the years!

I am new to air bnb and just got declined a stay and was super confused so I googled it and wow! Just want to say, that it wouldn’t be my first thought to add information to my profile etc except when you explained it as strangers asking to stay at your house. THEN it made sense I should have been more friendly and open about who I am. I would have been that great guest that cleaned before I left but now I see the hesitation. 

I think the profiles show once the booking is confirmed. I stant to be corrected if this is not the case. 

I only decline based on total absence of verification or bad reviews (which are on its own no help as "bad guests" just delete their profiles and create anew)


Most importantly I trust my 6th sense and I am REALLY glad that AirBNB removed pictures from requesting guests as that protects me from playing "discrimination card" by some rare guests


And BTW - @Jonathan323 is right - the second you INVITE a stranger into your house - it is THEIR house. So think twice about YOUR interest and pay no attnetion to penalties AirBNB is trying to foce you to host ANYONE.

Money is NOT everything 


Level 2
Jackson, MS

Wow! Airbnb would probably have a fit if all new guest on their platform couldn’t book a stay due to no reviews.


If Airbnb run an ad and traffic new comers they wouldn’t even be approved for booking.

Yall sound really weird. They have insurance for your damages no need to play police.

Y’all acting strange when you signed up to rent short term to strangers.

I have instant booking! This is about the guest needing a stay not me profiling them over no reviews. I treat this like a small motel not a stranger in my home. Your mindset and what you think of people shows through how you treat them. It’s not that serious. I have yet to see any serial crime through Airbnb so chill. I love AirBNB and hope host read the reviews from guest to see how we as host can make the platform suitable and friendly.

As a host I have booked guets with no review and without a fail they have disappointed. One was an adult male that peed in the property and tried to deny it. Another was a going to throw a full on party with alcohol and weed involved. Another was partying all night till 3 am in the morning playing loud music. Another one smoked drugs in the property while there is children that live above the airbnb property! Not playing police, just protecting our sanity from dealing with disrespectful people

You are right to decline them, typically they are a group having a party and if one gets a bad review they just have another member make a reservation. Decline them and protect your property by renting only to guests who have proven to be responsible.

Level 2
Portland, OR

Here's my response.

Hi J thanks for inquiring. We accept only Airbnb guests if they are experienced and reviewed. I would strongly suggest that you put up a detailed profile when starting on Airbnb. So hosts get to know a little bit about you. We would love to have you stay once you have been reviewed.



After all it's your house they're staying in. So it's not a big deal for them to startup explaining themselves to acquaint themselves to you and show that they understand that they would treat your home like it was their own. Truthful and educating new comers.

Level 3
Philadelphia, PA

Hi Ashley, I am a new host as well. I had a guest (stayed for one night and checked out today) who had no reviews but had been on Airbnb for about 5 years. I'm not sure why someone who has been on the plattform for that long would not have any reviews. However, she honored my home and left it clean and tidy just like it was before check-in which I appreciated.


I am usually leery of guests who  have no reviews as well but sometimes I think to myself, what if this is someone new to the platform who's looking to book a home to stay? At the end of the day, I just follow my gut. If from the onset I'm uncomfortable about it, I don't follow through with it. 

Another thing is to do an inquiry about the purpose of their have a fell of who they are and why they are looking to stay at your property...

Level 4
Vallejo, CA

Decline them! Its up to you to decide who you let in your house. Airbnb had a setting at one point that allowed hosts to not accept bookings from a person with less than a certain amount of reviews and less than a certain rating. Sure there are many times where I can and will accept a person without ANY online reputation but in some situations such as shared house this is straight up dumb. Anyone who can not see this is naive. 


As a host for 12yrs I have had countless problems with no review guests. The big red flag is a guest that has many stays but no reviews. Hosts often hold back from bad reviews on people that personality-wise could potentially seek some sort of revenge. Again, in some situations one can take this risk but in a house with expensive furniture or shared spaces it makes sense to only allow those that have earned a reputation. This is best part of the review system. Unfortunately, airbnb goes with whatever brings them the most profit. Hosts safety and is an afterthought. Guest reputation also is an after-thought. If hosts were allowed to vet like the good old days, less guests would want to use airbnb and a competitor will come along and make it easier for the guests... in the end capitalism is to blame. 

Community Manager
Community Manager
Suffolk Coastal District, United Kingdom

Hi @Robert375 👋


Thanks so much for sharing your insight here. The original post is from way back in 2020, so I wondered if you fancied creating a new topic here, and invite other Hosts to a more recent chat about accepting/declining guest with no reviews? 

Just click here to 'start a conversation'. 


Looking forward to seeing you around! 😊



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