
Winter Release Q&A with Airbnb’s Christy Schrader

Winter Release Q&A session

Disagreement with a resolution agent.

Level 2
Redondo Beach, CA

Disagreement with a resolution agent.

To start, I have had nothing but great experiences being a host and using the Airbnb platform….until now. 


We had a guest come for 9 months. 


Upon check out, we found that the guest had not only violated our smoking rules (no smoking in the house), but also left behind lots of damage.


  • Overwhelming smoke smell throughout the house.  Carpets/linens/fabric couches (2 of them) all wreaked of cigarettes/marijuana. 
  • Kids got paint all over a piece of furniture.
  • Cigarette holes in the main couch.
  • Pet stains all throughout the house.
  • Holes/dents/scrapes on almost all the walls in the unit
  • Cigarette holes in the primary bedroom linens


So we had to do several things to get it ready for the next guest (in order to keep that high rating!) that was coming in 2 weeks later. 


  • Replace the main couch with cigarette holes in it.
  • Replace the credenza that had paint all over it. 
  • Replace the bedding in the primary room (cleaning barely made a dent in the smell). 
  • Fix/patch/paint the holes in the walls
  • Do a deep cleaning (that took 4 days)
    • Cleaning crew had to do a really deep dive on cleaning everything. 
    • Hired a carpet/furniture cleaning company
      • Not only did they clean everything, but they had a special process to help remove smoke odors


All totaled was a little over $7k in expenses to get it back into top shape. 


The guest fully admitted all the damages but disputed the charges. 


I submitted the charges to the resolution center.  They approved only $4k as a refund.  Saying things like the following:


  • We could have reupholstered the couch for cheaper (as opposed to replacing it).
  • They did not believe the paint receipt/estimate on number of walls. 
  • They took a depreciated amount off the credenza….although, I had to buy a new one at full price. 
  • Did not believe they smoked….because I did not have pictures of cigarette butts. 
  • Removed some of the cleaning charges…..for no reason. 


Our resolution agent is Nuno **. 


I asked him repeatedly to set up a day and time for us to have a live discussion.  He agreed via email, but has refused to set up a time to talk.  He said he did not want to waste his time having a discussion.  I have asked for a different resolution agent to take a look at the damages for their assessment.  Nuno said he would have a supervisor review the issues…..but that never happened either.  Nuno is now ignoring my emails to him. 


I have called customer service multiple times and they will not (or cannot) help me at all.  They open cases for me but they are closed an hour later (without resolution).  They promise that someone will call me back, but it never happens.  Heck, one customer service rep (Ranjat) bet me dinner and tea that he could get someone to call me back.  Ranjat….you owe me dinner and tea buddy! 


The last email I received from Nuno, stated that if I did not accept the 4k in payments that he deemed appropriate by Monday, I would get nothing. 


How do I proceed here?  I do not agree with his proposal at all.  He never took the time to understand our issues.  Lied about setting up calls for us to discuss the issues and lied about getting a second opinion from a supervisor.  He even guessed at the cost for recovering our sofa…..and he was way off (and we replaced it). 


I have 3 properties (that I own) on the Airbnb platform.  I am seriously questioning about the safety of my properties now and considering pulling them off the Airbnb platform.  Airbnb always promotes their Aircover product that should alleviate hosts fears of damage…..yet they want to short me 3k for no reason?  And it is not the money for me….it is the principal at this point. 


How do I get a new resolution agent??

**[Content removed in line with the Community Center Guidelines]

3 Replies 3


I'm so sorry that you had a bad guest experience.

But here's what I will say, that you probably won't like.

Take the offer and be thankful you got something. A new resolution agent isn't going to magically change anything. What needs to change is your expectations.

You'll never win against airbnb. I also assume you have some type of external insurance (we do) so that we can fight the insurance provider (and we have in the past and won). It's easier to fight an insurance provider because generally there is some type of regulation in your country and it falls under consumer rights protections.

I will admit to not understanding your local regulations, but I would never use airbnb either for long stays past a few weeks. The platform is just not setup for it and any problems that result. I see a disproportionate amount of issues being asked by hosts with super long stays over a month or so. Best to use a real estate agent or whatever works in your area. Airbnb is really setup for short stay holiday lets. 

All the best, hope you can move on and not get too stressed by it, its all a learning experience too. Us experienced hosts have these issues and you just get better at it over time,

Kind regs MK

Wow, this type of response was not what I had in mind.  To sum up your response in less words:  “Quit your bitching and take what ever they offer.”  Simply because hosts will never win?  What a sad testament. 


And sure, I could run this through my external insurance, however, claims typically push rates through the roof or a non-renewal.  So here in the states, it is best to use outside insurance for larger issues.  The smaller issues is what Airbnb Cover is for (or so I thought). 


And this is less about the money and more about their so-called resolution agent….and his inability to follow through on his own statements.  And his playing god, by indiscriminately (without any sort of intelligent thought) choosing amounts to pay regardless of the receipts and pictures (and the admission of guilt from the guest). 


Thanks for the condescending response, but definitely not helpful.   

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Hi @Larry650 


I'm sorry you had such an awful guest but wonder why you didn't set up regular cleans for a long stay to help you monitor how the property was being looked after.


unfortunately if you read the T&C for the Airbnb Guarantee you will see it's very limited and doesn't cover replacement costs but rather a contribution taking into account age of the item etc


thats why hosts should always take home insurance for STR to protect their STR business .


if after reading the T&C for the guarantee you feel Airbnb has not met its obligations I believe you can pay a fee to go to arbitration which you get back if you win the case .