Disrespectful Guest

Level 2
Charleston, SC

Disrespectful Guest

I am new to Airbnb Hosting, but i know this is not gonna be my first time dealing with disrespectful people. I just had a guest who decided to drive and park one of her three cars in the front yard of my neighbor. She claimed there was not enough space, even though they had the full access of a garage, a driveway, and a spot next to the driveway, so three cars could fit easily. I asked her on the evening their arrival to remove the car, and she completely ignored my demand. The next day I called her and threatened to tow the car, then she moved it. She proceeded to tell me she was going to write a review to let everyone know not to fall or no to get tricked in paying for the prices of my Airbnb, because it is in a working class neighborhood. Mind you, she made the reservation 4 months ago, and despite her claim of knowing the area, she still proceeded to book the reservation, I only assume that she could not afford anything else. The fact that she was completely clueless about disrespecting our neighbors property, and then accusing us of tricking her into booking was so offensive. I am usually a very calm person, but this situation made me sleepless at night. I dislike these kind of people.

Have you dealt with people like this?

3 Replies 3
Level 10
Madison, WI

I  sympathize and fortunately I have not had problems.  Even though your guest has your address and phone no.,  request that you will be corresponding using AirBnb's  web app.  and that they respond in the same way.   Civility is critical.    When it's all said and done, at least you will have documentation to support your situation.

Thank you so much Shirley! I had to unfortunately call her and use text outside of Airbnb because she was not responsive. I think the next time this happens I will ask Airbnb to handle the situation. It really was a sour taste.


Guests especially the  obnoxious I have found are not  responsive on the airbnb app on purpose.   If I am having an issue I don't discuss on text what I do is send a text asking them to   review the Airbnb platform.    If they still try to   ignore me,  I  call Airbnb to contact their lines are recorded.

I never threaten I  would word for that type  of problem, the risk for the  guest is that is not   a legal parking space and could result in a towing.   If my   encouragement of proper behavior is  not    motivational then you  or the  neighbor call  the   police and it   is between  the guest and   police.  Then you didn't tow  her car and cause a problem      you were trying to help her avoid a problem.

Most  Guests realize I   am not  going to argue but    do  not accept  responsibility for their inconsiderate actions.