Electricity Abuse or Theft ....?

Level 2
Southampton, United Kingdom

Electricity Abuse or Theft ....?

we believe that a previous guest has hustled our electricity for bit coin mining.


We're talking thousands of pounds sterling, not a couple of hundred.


Essentially we feel this is theft and acknowledge this will likely be chalked up to experience, but what can we do?


What protections do AirBnb provide as its difficult to prove...


We do have a separate counter that measure the electricity used and we'll now be making a note of the readings at the beginning and end of stay - but seriously what can we do to stop it or recover money?


3 Replies 3
Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Amanda960 presumably they were there for a long term stay? bitcoin mining computers take quite a lot of setting up. If you do long stays then Airbnb is not really suitable a you have no security deposit or contract.

Community Manager
Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hi @Amanda960


I'm really sorry you think a previous guest has done this to you. Have you had a chance to contact our Support teams to discuss it further? 


Let us know how you got on please!





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Level 2
Bundoran, Ireland



I got same oroblem for a 3 month stay. The normal consumption is €150-200 monthly. The bill came at a €320. 


They gave deposit, but i will probably not give it back as I am sure that Electricity Abuse ( up to a logic standard) is considered Property Damage.


The guy answered that he was using the Washmachine dryer. But The apartment has a Clothes rack, so its for sure Property Damage/abuse...( If there wasnt a Rack, then ok!)


Any owners with same oroblems? I am in my right to keep the Damage deposit. Yes? I have oroof of bills, so i can oresent ut anytime