Everyone is losing out...

Level 7
Los Angeles, CA

Everyone is losing out...

Hello fellow hosts,


I’m just here to rant a little.


So, a guest checking in on June 11th is adamant on getting 100% refund despite our Strict Cancellation Policy. She wants to cancel but wants me the host to cancel instead. I explained that if I cancelled as a host I am charged a penalty fee if beyond April 14th (or has this changed?). If I’m not the one that even needs or wants to cancel, why should I incur the fees? 


1) I explained that she would still receive 50% if she cancels now, since Airbnb is only applying the COVID19 EC from March 14th - April 14th.


2) I also explained that the current COVID19 EC basically translates to a month of loss income not just for me as a host but others who also depend on me such as my cleaners, maintenance, family, etc. 


3) I gave her the option to reschedule free of charge, within 12 months from the original check-in date. Alternatively, if she cancels instead she is still entitled to 50% refund. 

After all this, she messages me to say:


“The other hosts have said they will waive fees on their end. You can’t do that? I know in these times it’s very hard but everyone is losing out.”


... right, so me giving you a 100% refund overriding my own strict cancellation policy that you in fact agreed to, is you losing out too? 

Also, yes, I just straight told you no I cannot afford to waive fees. I don’t have to jump off a bridge just because all the other hosts are doing it. 

6 Replies 6
Level 2
Grand Rapids, MI

Thank you Jenny! I support you on your no refund.  Airbnb not supposed to take our money without permission no matter what. We work for this,  we spent hours on the communication, accounting, site work , mortgages... To put all 100% on us is unfair and unlawful.  I just signed the petition and shard on the facebook 

Read under Covid-19 conversation.  Booking.com does not touch our money, so does not Expedia.  

@Jenny-And-Victor0  You can tell this guest that Airbnb does not release the payment to hosts before the check-in date, so you do not have their money. Rather than engaging a conflict over the matter, it's probably easier to point out that for later bookings they will have to wait until Airbnb extends the free cancellation window to their booking date, which it inevitably will.


That said, they are currently waiving host penalties when guests request these cancellations specifically for Covid19 reasons.

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

You can choose to do a mutual, no penalty refund under the EC policy for the virus outside of the period @Jenny-And-Victor0 

Level 10
London, United Kingdom

I have learnt the hard way that trying to explain Airbnb policy to guests is fruitless, because Airbnb is currently breaking all of their own policies repeatedly. If the guests call Airbnb, they will get whatever result they want because Airbnb will null and void the terms of any policies they currently have in place, including their own new COVID-19 extenuating circumstances policy. 


This assertion is based on my own experience, where every cancellation I have had recently (none falling under COVID-19 EC policy) were mishandled. I am not just talking about me not getting the funds I am due under the proper policy, but Airbnb repeatedly overcharging the guests, frequently freaking them out, with the end result of the guest sometimes turning against me because of CS Reps' mistakes (when I was doing my best to ensure they got the proper refund, e.g. the long-term discount). Right now, I am dealing with one that had the full stay charged to her (she should have received a partial refund) and, at the same time, I am being told I will receive £0 because Airbnb could not collect money from the guest???


Like I said before, Airbnb CS right now is like the Wild West. There is no law and order. They are doing as they please in the hope that there will be no consequences (and this MUST  be directed from above, because why else are they all being so clueless?). Right now, a guest could say, "I stubbed my big toe," and Airbnb would issue them a full refund.

Level 10
London, United Kingdom

So yes, everybody IS losing out.

Level 10
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


I support you. You did the right thing to do! You were also thoughtful!


Why this guest says that "The other hosts have said they will waive fees on their end" !


This guest is using an argument to get rid of the strict cancellion policy  that he/she himself willingly accepted.


You are thoughtul and helpful by offering the guest to reschedule free of charge. No more concessions.


Both parties should feel empathy. Only this guest wants you to empathize with him. But he doesn't feel for you.