Fake Reviews Anyone?

Level 2
Austin, TX

Fake Reviews Anyone?

Has anyone had to deal with a fake review? I had someone book one night in one of my hotel rooms. They didn't stay, requested a refund, wrote a fictitious review promoting another hotel.


The user went so far as to say "the mold was growing through the countertops and backsplash." They obviously had not seen the room as brand the kitchen and granite had been installed 28 days prior to their arrival. I recently purchased this beachfront hotel. And although we have 100+ 5 star reviews in the first two months, this was the 3rd review for this suite and now the average is so low Airbnb has suppressed the listing and reservations have stopped 100%.


We became superhosts rather quickly. I contacted support and was told the fake review would be removed within 24 hours. 30 hours later I got them on the phone and was told that Airbnb has changed their mind. I can sue the author of the fictitious comment easily enough but that still won't get the review removed.


There seems to be no process or moderation regarding reviews. I am afraid this system is ripe for abuse. Has anyone here had a fake review removed? If so, would you share the process for that with me?




Rick Culleton

Rick Culleton
16 Replies 16

Glad you got that review removed. BTW I didn't realize you were offering massage for positive reviews, so glad you understand now. You can ask guest to leave a review.  A lot of host also try and explain how a 4 star review is bad. I don't, but sometimes I wonder how many others are offering some kind of discount. IMO host are more shady than guest. 

Dealing with fake reviews can be incredibly frustrating and detrimental to your business. I had a similar experience and can share some steps that helped me navigate this issue.

Firstly, it's crucial to document everything. Gather all evidence that the review is fake, including your records of the guest's stay, any communication with them, and photos or videos that can prove the condition of the room. This evidence will be essential when communicating with Airbnb support.

When I faced a similar situation, I found that persistence was key. I contacted Airbnb support multiple times, each time providing detailed evidence and reiterating my case. Initially, they were reluctant to remove the review, but after consistent follow-ups and providing clear proof that the review was fictitious, they eventually agreed to remove it.

If Airbnb support remains unresponsive, you might consider escalating the issue. You can try reaching out to them through social media platforms, as public posts often get quicker responses. Additionally, documenting your attempts to resolve the issue can be useful if you decide to take further action.

In my experience, transparency and persistence were crucial. I also found a helpful resource on identifying reliable information and reviews on this blog. You might find it insightful: https://thetundradrums.com/what-is-one-of-the-best-ways-to-get-reliable-information-about-a-product/.

Having dealt with fake reviews myself, I understand your frustration. It’s important to remain calm and persistent. By continuing to provide evidence and communicating clearly with Airbnb support, you can work towards resolving this issue. Good luck!