
Winter Release Q&A with Airbnb’s Christy Schrader

Winter Release Q&A session

Filming in my AirBnB?

Level 1
Los Angeles, California, United States

Filming in my AirBnB?

I have been contacted mulitiple times from film groups inquiring about renting my home to film in.


This concerns me because the normal fee that a location would receive for having their property used for filming is far greater then what my home's airbnb daily rental is set at.


Further more there are all kinds of permits required for a crew over 3 people (which both groups that approached me where)


The fact that there are film people going around skirting the film permit regulations in order to find cheap loactions to film by using airbnb as a site for people that will agree to their terms concerns me.

44 Replies 44

@Alon1- thanks for the link.  I think if I were to allow filming again, it would need to be pre-approved by me.  There is a huge amount of commercial movie filming happening in my town and they do pay good money from what I've been told.  I felt pretty abused from this because I was only renting them the bottom floor of the cabin and they got a real deal, leaving me with way too much damage. 

Level 1
Hamden, CT

I am that there places in new have ct too.
Level 1
Los Angeles, CA

What can I do if a guest has a video shoot without my permission? If they had been honest, I probably would've said no. And if I had agreed I definitely would have charged more than the regular nightly rate. Not there now so hesitant to call them out and risk them trashing the place but they checkout tomorrow. Suggestions on best way to handle?

Put in your listing "NO FILMING ALLOWED" or "MUST CONTACT OWNER FOR AGREEMENT IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO FILM HERE" or something like that. That way, anyone who wants to film, IF they are legit, they will contact you. If they were going to do it, undercover, then they probably wont use your home. Or sometimes people are jerks and then you leave back feedback for them IF you asked them to pre arrage with you. It's technically probably not legal for them to do that, btu if they arent making money or very little form the shoot - it's unlikely you would get any money out of them. In my opinion.

Level 3
Orange, CA

Hi Everyone.
Rental a private proerty of any kind whether it be home or restaurant or land does not require a film permit in most places (check your city for their rules and regulations). As a film/video producer and creative company owner myself, we scout locations on air bnb all the time just because most film location sites are not quick, user friendly and have high agency fees. We don't mind paying the home owner a new negotiated fee as a special event (like a wedding or party would) or renting for more days in order to compensate them accordingly. These filmmakers are not "skirting the permit fees" as that does not apply to homes. As long as the comapny is legit and properly insured a homeowner should be protected. As a homeowner you should ask for a copy of their insurance policy, and depending on the value of the home, would ask to see their insurance/ liability policy (I would ask for a minimum 1 million dollar policy as that is the standard policy size) and for their insurance "CERTS". That is what it is called. Which means, for the days of shooting (or any days the crew or anyone will be on your property), the production company names YOU and your Locations as an "insured party" on their policy. This is also what production companies have to do when they rent expensive gear or hire costumes from people like Warner Brothers. Then you know you are covered and that they are a professional, legit company to entrust your home to for filming. If they have that, then it's way safer and an awesome gig for you home, rather than random strangers staying in it with only you to insure yourself.  So if I was able to AirBnB my home to regular people staying or a insured, legit film studio (and sometimes for more money if their budget allows), I would certainly do that. But just like having anone in your home things could get broken or wall scratched so hopefully a legit company would not do that or it would be very hard for them to stay insured.

Level 1
Blythe Bridge, United Kingdom

There are good and bad in every industry - location owners, production companies and location agencies. However, my experience is that many filmmakers are generally looking to hire with airbnb on unfavourable monetary and contractual terms. Insurance isnt generally a problem, but details should be checked beforehand to ensure that the insurance is appropriate to the activity.


As a locations agency ourselves ( we work with airbnb owners to ensure that protections are in place, that equittable contracts are created that ensure the production company get the shoots they need, that the owner is paid to an acceptable level, and they owners have the appropriate protections to ensure they arent left with huge problems if something goes wrong.


Regarding rate... this is always negotiable, and being set at competitive levels, dont have to kill the income opportunity! After taking cost of utilities, and wear and tear etc into account, any owner willing to offer their homes for less than minimum wage should seriously consider coming to an agency for representation. Listing is generally free and your agent should do a lot of work for their 20% commission.


I had a young film group at my home for two days earlier this year without any problems. They provided a proper insurance rider two weeks before hand. They were friendly, upfront, very respectful of the property and my neighbors, courteous and were timely in their arrival and departure. The outside night photo filming session was a bit of surprise, though; but then I didn't think about limiting them to only inside, either; they stopped shooting outside just before 10pm - which was reasonable. I had no neightbor complaints and no property damage.

But if I had reserched these community discussions before hand, I probably would have declined their kind offer given the potential risks and the problems that some have experienced.


Unless something actually happens, you're just complaining about helping people out, which, apparently, no one likes to do anymore unless it rewards

you in some monetary way. Seriously, consider that you're that person. If anyone takes advantage of your genuine good nature, don't let it rest and deal with it the best way you can. Otherwise, this is just another venting post on the internet where people can rabble rabble together...

Level 10
Seattle, WA

Yes I also get solicitated. Not only for filming, but auditioning and interviewing.

I rely on common sense and "the standard"

The standard is that we are renting rooms for shelter - nothing more.

Common sense means I know nothing about filming.  There are lawyers and agents who specialize in the problems involved in film shooting. I do not know as much as they do.

Also, to get fair treatment would require hours of negotiation.


Lastly, how would you feel if you went to see a blockbuster film and saw your living room in a scene?

I know that I would feel abused knowing they made a million and I got an extra $20.


Level 2
Washington, DC

As a new AirBnB host, I just recently got solicited by a filmmaker to shoot a film in my home. Because i'm not opposed to the idea, my first instinct was to research questions and potential instruments I should have in place to protect me and my home; this thread was very useful. I plan to inquire about the filmmaker's insurance and certs as well as negotiate the price. I will follow up and report the outcome.


Thanks all!

I was also solicited and am researching myself. Do you have any update??

Just beware that some are looking for places to shoot porn.  

Level 10
Lithia Springs, GA

I just got this msg through airbnb... 


Hi Donald!
You've got a lovely space! I was wondering if you are film friendly. We would leave very little foot track as it is for two days for an 12 hours max shoot per day and 5 actors/actress. We can even accommodate to finishing early if that is a concern you want to address. It's a small crew of less than 10 people so 15 in total and I leave the place better than when I found it. If you read my reviews of the previous place we used for location, I have a great reputation. If this sounds like an interest to you please let me know. thank you! Also the dates are from 11/17 and 11/18 or 11/19 evening


I responded... 


Hey thank you. May I ask what type of film? And, what areas of our property would you want to film in? We have had a couple photoshoots here and inquiries about shooting rap videos but I've been hesitant due to potential problems. I honestly love the idea and think if our place were in a film or TV show, it would help us book more nights. Convince me that having 20 or so people here for two days for 12 hours each day would be beneficial to us. THANKS! -Don


She replied...


Hi Donald,
Thank you for your quick response. I understand that many productions may leave a bad reputation for people who are serious about their work. We are shooting a short film which has been selected for the Atlanta Film comp that is going through another selection process. We are given set of rules with short turnaround time to make final selection for the best short which will be screened. You will be credited as I have credited the previous owners for their location. How I can convince you is by you taking a chance on our crew and reading the past review. Frankly it's your call and as much as I would like to convince you, for me action speaks louder than words. Your call. Either way truly appreciate your consideration.


I responded...


Ok thanks. Would you be shooting both in the arcade AND the tinyhouse? What about outside? Roughly how many vehicle would be here each day? I'm just wondering how much attention this is going to attract in our neighborhood. And lastly, how have previous homeowners/airbnb hosts priced this type of stay? I couldn't possibly have all that going on here for $100 a night. I'm sure you understand. What's a fair price in your opinion? Thanks for your candor. -Don


WHAT DO Y'ALL THINK? What's a fair price for 20 people in your property for 2 full days, 12 hours a day? 

Well, nevermind! She just shot back this kind of nasty response. I'm not interested in her smarmy attitude now. I declined her. How does airbnb allow users to NOT have a last name AND have no picture???!!! ....


Sure. I understand your hesitation. The previous owners rented the space out for asking daily rate. Most people try to take advantage just because of film business and to be honest not even bigger tv networks will pay huge prices unless they are in the location directory. I'm not going to jump through hoops to ease your doubts. I am offering your daily rate and film credits. I do have another location too. I appreciate your business and should you decide to continue then you can reach me (Phone number hidden by Airbnb) Thanks again for your time.

A $1000 a night. A $500 a day budget is not unreasonable and since there is 20 people in the crew, $1000 is fair... Good luck.  I would press the question or even ask outright if it's a porn they are filming.