Filming without permission & retaliation review

Level 2
San Francisco, CA

Filming without permission & retaliation review

Hi All, I have had a very difficult experience with a customer who seems to have a mental disorder. I am about to write my review on them but wanted to reach out to the community first for advice . I also plan to block them. 

- lied about dates, and the number of people staying

-when I offered them a discount for the second guest, they refused to pay, and said I was messing with them

-they sent me money without my permission  on Zell  from information I gave them on what’s app to contact me, it wasn’t even enough to cover my turn over with the dates they lied about 

-reported me on Airbnb but it backfired because of their refusal to pay for second guest 

- made false accusations of me that had nothing to do with my home, came to my home looking for things that were wrong one complaint being ( garbage instructions not in English) when it was already explained to them over the phone and on what’s app . Also my home is in Italy ! 😂

- upon checkout aggressively filmed my property manger following her around asking her to tell them everything was okay 

- also hid the second guest upon check out 

These things below  where not in my house rules but they will be now and it’s just another example of how this guest has behaved - 

* moved furniture around 

* removed a heater from one room and placed it in another, and it shorted a circuit in my home

* when I addressed it and had someone come fix the circuit breaker they nearly refused because it was a male - they wanted to know what they were wearing 


I’m not sure what my next steps are here . Airbnb gave me money for the second guest and didn’t charge them - cancelled their second reservation (they made two but it was only for one person)  abb gave me half per my cancellation policy -did not charge them for it. 

I’m very certain they will write a retaliation review that I’ll need do address. 

They’ve been rude and dishonest and to add insult to injury I gave a very generous discount for one person and they where referred to me by a friend. 

1. Has anyone been successful in retaliation review removal 

2. Is it legal to film someone at my property without their permission? In Italy 

I really appreciate the support here ! 


1 Reply 1

Hi @Tiffany871 , sorry this happened to you. I don't know if its legal to film someone on private property without their permission but it happens all the time (plenty of videos posted online are of people without their permission & on private property). Unless you're prepared to take them to court over it, its kinda moot if its legal or not (I know thats not much comfort - sorry!).


They might not leave a retaliation review if you don't review them first. When they're notified you've left a review, they'll DEFINITELY assume it is negative (even though they can't see the actual review content) & leave a retaliation review. 


Its notoriously difficult to get negative reviews removed. So I guess the question is: is it worth the trouble of trying to get a negative review taken down, with the risk you may be stuck with it forever? If not - just cut your losses, walk away and don't leave them a review. 


Of course if they DO leave you a review first, then you've got nothing to lose & you should leave an honest review (& you'll have no choice but to try your luck at getting their review removed.)


A point of interest - does this guest have positive reviews from other hosts?