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To whom it may concern,
I am writing about a claim I was denied by your team in regard to ** Confirmation code ** this guest stayed with us from April 19th, 2023 & checked out May 1st. During this time this guest destroyed the house.
Upon entering the property on May 1st it was discovered that the palace smelled of smoke and that many items within the property were gone, They disassembled the lock on the door, stole the remote, there was broken glass everywhere, they broke and urinated on the couch and stole knives. We immediately called Airbnb support who started a claim I expressed my concern as I didn’t think we would be able to get the place ready before the next guest was to check-in in as there was so much damage. I was extremely distraught to which they said don’t worry and that because they were starting the claim we would have up to 60 days to submit all items and that we were covered up to 3 million in damages.
This was incredibly disappointing but we started the process to have the property repaired, we called the painter for the walls we had the place treated for smoke damage, we replaced damaged rugs & broken couches, sheets, towels, glassware, knives silverware, and curtains. The process took us 8 full-time days to get the place back into stay-worthy condition. During our efforts to get the home on the market we called in and canceled another reservation ** expected stay 5/4/23-5/7/23 I expressed concern about not being able to host due to the previous guest destroying the place and the agent explained that we will be reimbursed for the time of the market and that our reviews will not be negatively impacted. The agent suggested going ahead and sending photos through the portal I expressed that the system wasn’t allowing me to send but they said that I could respond back to the email which is attached.
This was extremely frustrating as scheduling contractors, ordering replacement items,and picking these items up was taking a significant part of my time. I did feel reassured that at the end we would be reimbursed thanks to Aircover. Once completed I started to finish the claim through the Airbnb cover portal but it wasn’t allowing me to upload photos. It kept saying to try back at a later time. I called in and explained the situation at which time the agent said not to worry they would repair the system so that I could submit my items for repair. I continued to have issues submitting photos and called in several times to have it addressed. I called another agent who said that I could email them the receipts on June 19th. We have made several attempts to collect repair damages. We have been denied based on time submission which is not a fault of our own but the system in which operate.
This process has been incredibly frustrating as we are about to lose the property as we can’t afford to pay the high bills for repair. We have made several attempts through your portals and emails to get reimbursed and we have been denied due to us submitting in not a timely fashion due in part to your system not functioning. We currently owed $10,857.66 worth of damages. I am hoping this letter will convey the absolute need to get reimbursed for the claim immediately so we can continue to function.
**[Name and reservation number hidden - Community Center Guidelines]
@Michael7883 This is a community centre for hosts and guests not customer support. Airbnb is extremely slow it appears with claims and even if successful will only pay a depreciated amount. Sadly it is only when claims are denied that folks realise that Aircover for damage is not a proper regulated insurance product and that they really need to have their own insurance as well.
They kept saying they cover up to 3 million dollars worth of damages. Can I take to small claims court for reimbursement?
@Michael7883 If you read the Ts and Cs I think it basically says Aircover pays out at the whim of Airbnb. Now taking Airbnb to court for false advertising.......
Have they actually denied your claim or just not processed it. @Michael7883 ?
It's terrible to see hosts being treated so badly and I am so sorry to hear of all the damage this guest caused.
I do hope Airbnb resolve your issues relating to the claim.
@Stephanie can your team follow up with CS around this claim to see what the issue is that is causing it not to be processed?
They denied the claim
Hi @Michael7883, I'm really sorry to hear you've gone through this situation.
While the Community Center is not a formal branch of Airbnb Support, I have passed the details of what happened to the relevant team and asked them to review the situation. They should contact you directly with further updates.
Thanks, as always, to our amazing hosts for their support and for looping us in here, @Helen3 and @Mike-And-Jane0
On what basis did they deny the claim. Presumably you had photo and video evidence.
Personally I would also call them out on their social media @Michael7883