I've used Airbnb many times and I have never had a problem. This past week my son was traveling to Spain to visit friends and we wanted to help him out so we decided to buy him $2K in Airbnb gift cards rather than giving him cash. He tried to schedule an Airbnb before flying but it wouldn't allow him because he hadn't verified his account. He completed the process of verifying his account and was waiting for it to be completed while he was traveling. When he arrived to Madrid it said his account was verified but when he went to book a location it blocked his account for fraud. We have spent a week on the phone with Airbnb trying to get this situation resolved and in the interim, our son has been struggling to find places to stay and burning through his cash to do so. I have read through all of the restrictions related to using the gift cards and there is nothing that appears to be a problem related to our situation. I have gotten on the phone with Airbnb to try to resolve the situation and they keep assuring me that there isn't a problem with my son's account and that it will be immediately restored but nothing happens. I am seriously at my wit's end and hoping that someone in the Airbnb community can help me to find a solution. I appreciate any advice that can be provided.