Guest cleaned out toiletries basket, should I post in review?

Level 3
Orlando, FL

Guest cleaned out toiletries basket, should I post in review?

We are new to Airbnb and just had our 12th guest clean out the toiletries basket.


This is the first time that’s happened, previous guest have rightfully used an item or two but I was a little shocked to see the entire basket empty. We provide single sized items of shampoo, conditioner, lotion, toothpaste, toothbrush, mouthwash, body wash, bar soap. I put these items out for their use so I’m trying to be understanding but for them to use “everything” seems a little much. I’m wondering if this is worth including in their review. Additionally, this guest parked in our 1-car driveway leaving my boyfriend and I parked on the street all night. They arrived in the afternoon while we were both out, and we didn’t bother saying anything as we expected they’d go back out in the evening,  but they never did come out of the room after the arrived. We found it a bit presumptuous of them to leave their car there the entirety of their stay.


Is any of this worth putting in the review or should I just let it go?

17 Replies 17
Level 10
Orono, ME


I had something like this happen to me once except with k-cups, tea, and sugar packets. Taking all these items was among other annoying things so I did not leave them a favorable review. They treated my place like a hotel room and in the review I wrote, "took advantage of the provided amenities."

I like that response! I’ll keep it in mind for the future! Thanks!

Level 10
Rawai, Thailand

Once my cleaner left the laundry room door un locked OMG they got clean towels everyday I charged them extra for laundry in my house rules it does say we change the towels twice a week and the bedding once a week