Guest gave a 4 star review that I felt was not appropriate

Level 5
San Jose, CA

Guest gave a 4 star review that I felt was not appropriate

I'm a little annoyed at one of my recent guest. She said everything was perfet but complained that the master bathroom was not as big as the other in the house. 


My guest baths are only 5x8 while my master bath is 10x8 except the shower and toilet is behind a door for privacy. I'm aiming for superhost status and this really screwed it up. 


Is there anything we can do?

3 Replies 3
Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

If you look at your reviews it's not just the review from this one guest that has brought your ratings down but you've had lower reviews for areas like cleanliness@Danny627 


I'm not refering to the other guest, I'm only talking about the most recent one complaining about the small bathroom. 


We've addressed the other issues to ensure those complaint never happen again. 



You have to understand the locality of the property. In California, most homes will be smaller, I have master bathrooms that are much smaller than this. 


The bathroom is actually 8x11 now that I'm looking at my floor plan. 


I just felt that a bad review for a small bathroom seems unfair. It's something structural and the listing clearly draws the layout in detail. 

Level 10
Lusby, MD

@Danny627 No, there is really nothing you can do, except respond like you did here with the size of the bathroom. The guest felt the bathroom was too tiny for their use and that’s the guest’s POV. A 10x8 bath that is compartmentalized does seem small. It might be a good idea to take a landscape photo of the master bath to give prospective guests a view of layout.