Guest of Guest insured by Airbnb?

Level 2
Portland, OR

Guest of Guest insured by Airbnb?

I have a difficult Student long term guest who has violated every rule - my guest house is single occupancy only. Has removed items from guest house for me to store and brought his own items in. Tried to turn it into a dorm room. It is a mess. I told guest that their guest would be ok for a few hours like 2/3 hrs. three or four days per week. No over nights or longer visits. The guest's guest is over here  5 to 6 days per week for 1 to 4 hours or more. This makes me worried because my home insurance covers accidents for my guests and tenants but not a guest of an Airbnb guest? I tried to tell the guest the continued over use of guest privileges is unacceptable. Guest threatens me with how guest wrote down everything I said about guest privileges and so forth. Guest also complained that I was violating privacy with cameras - I clearly state no cameras in guest house or that can look inside or to deck. there are security cameras on property - one oversees the entry gate, driveway,street, mailboxes others the back alley of main house / cannot see anything around guest house. Because of the complaint Airbnb suspended my listing! I was able to prove what the gate/entry security camera sees and my listing was restored. I was a bit shocked that the complaint of this guest prompted such an action by Airbnb without contacting me first!  I am a super host. I think that they do not like the idea that I can see who comes and goes. Suspect they are doing drugs inside - vaping is forbidden on my property and no smoking inside.  I noticed that several other super hosts complained about being suspended over security camera, privacy issues without notice - Suspect that with so many privacy complaint issues that the word is out that if a privacy complaint is made, there could be financial benefits for guest - there has to be incentive to garner, as such, so many false complaints. Frustrated!


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