Guest partial refund

Level 2
Indooroopilly, Australia

Guest partial refund

What can I do when a guest refund amount is greater than the amount of the changed booking?


Guest booked 8 days. On day 2 of their stay they requested to shorten stay due to a family emergency. I accepted request to change booking to 3 days.


Now when I try to refund the guest through the resolution centre, I am not able to refund more than the 3 days of the changed booking even though I have received payment for the full 8 days.


I feel bad about this and am unsure how to act. A less than adequate refund seems both insulting and unfair given I agreed to the changed dates.

Top Answer
Community Manager
Community Manager
Suffolk Coastal District, United Kingdom

Hey @Mariya60


Congratulations on making your first post on the Community Center! It's great to have you here with us. 😊


In this case, if you have no option to increase the refund amount past the 3 days, it may be time to escalate to Airbnb. Provide all relevant details and documentation to support your case and then Airbnb will review the situation and make a decision based on their policies and guidelines. 
I'm sure you'll keep the guest updated during this process too. 😊 
Let us know how you get on. 



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3 Replies 3
Community Manager
Community Manager
Suffolk Coastal District, United Kingdom

Hey @Mariya60


Congratulations on making your first post on the Community Center! It's great to have you here with us. 😊


In this case, if you have no option to increase the refund amount past the 3 days, it may be time to escalate to Airbnb. Provide all relevant details and documentation to support your case and then Airbnb will review the situation and make a decision based on their policies and guidelines. 
I'm sure you'll keep the guest updated during this process too. 😊 
Let us know how you get on. 



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Level 2
Indooroopilly, Australia

Thanks Rebecca. That was good advice. And keeping the guest updated is of course of utmost importance. Thanks for your reply.

Community Manager
Community Manager
Suffolk Coastal District, United Kingdom

You're very welcome. 😊



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