Guest threatened bad review if I claim damages

Level 6
New York, NY

Guest threatened bad review if I claim damages

I have an urgent matter to discuss with Catherine powell 
Can you please help me 
Guests stained my rug and I told them we will remove it with water overnight. 
Guests ruined my natural fiber carpet by trying to get the stains out with vinegar and baking soda; leaving a big white bleach stain  even though they where told we would get it out. When I told them their action now permanently stained my rug and they would have to replace it they became aggressive and started threatening my hostess. Whom told them to please deal with me directly. 
In the message thread they repeated that if we did not make them pay for the damage they would not leave me a negative review. 
They threatened us with a negative review in lew for money. Which is not allowed. 
I called in as I did not know how to handle it and the ambassador assured me to stay calm and make sure I do make a claim as soon as guests checked out which was next morning. I told him I don’t want a bad review as I did nothing wrong. He assured me that the review would be removed as it is in policy that what he write is a threat of a negative review  in exchange for money. 
I felt assured. Come next day guest left the review and I messaged on same threat to remove it. But at 3:30am get an generic answer from someone else stating the content has been reviewed and it won’t be removed. It is not the content but the guest threatening me is the reason. 
The review should be removed confirm the extortion policy Airbnb has. 
Simone else picked up the case not looking into it and just sent a generic response. 
If you can please remove this review by Lotis 
I do not feel safe with guests being able to threaten us and then leave a bad review
Please see documentation for proof. 

I am a super host since it came out and this brings me down a lot! Please help as this is now keeping me up. And please I ask not to be contacted at 3:30am but regular daytime USA hours


9 Replies 9
Level 6
New York, NY

Anyone any advice? 

Level 10
Bergen, Norway

@Kris105 do you have a written statement from the first agent you were in contact with ? If so, try again and refer to the conversation and also to the airbnb extortion policy.

Hopefully, you have the extortion threat on the airbnb messaging system. If so, try again and refer to the conversation, the extortion policy and the conversation with the first agent. Keep your message short and to the point, in writing, preferably a direct message on Twitter @airbnbhelp. Make sure you also quote the reservation number.

Good luck😀

Level 6
New York, NY

Thank you @Marit-Anne0 

yes I have the threatening in the Airbnb message because guests had to repeat send me it as my hostess told them she can not do anything. So there is proof and I responded on the thread with pictures of it to the ambassador that told me not to worry and make the claim. Yet someone else pickup in the threat (without identifying themselves) with generic answers about content. I replied to it but it the went dead. Been up since 3:30am now:(

I don’t have Twitter, is there a way to contact the department directly that removes reviews? 

Level 10
Bergen, Norway

@Kris105 unfortunately, there is no easy way to get in touch with airbnb CS and which agent you get is the luck of the draw and there is no guarantee that your first and competent agent will follow up.

Personally, I opened a Twitter account to get in touch with airbnb and use it only for that as this contact option has proved to be the best option to get in touch with a competent agent. 

Phoning during US (California) business hours, you may also get lucky and get a competent agent rather than an outsourced one.


Level 6
New York, NY

@Marit-Anne0 @Thank you that really helps. I will do that. I think at 3am the person must be outsourced, lol

hope I get through to them

Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

When you do get a hold of someone, have the part of their review policy regarding extortion in front of you so you can directly quote it to them. Most hosts know far more about Airbnb's official policies than many of the CS reps do, and often have to point out exactly what the policy is. It then becomes a lot more difficult for them to brush you off. @Kris105

Thx @Sarah977 @yes I added pictures of the policy underlined as you recommend in other post. It has been escalated now to a specialist, don’t know what that means at least someone new is looking at it

Level 10
Jersey City, NJ

@Kris105  Vinegar and baking soda won't cause a bleach stain, if that is what t hey  used your rug may not be ruined. 

The combo on natural fiber did bleach it fully 😞 it took out the brown dye and left a huge white stain 2ft by 2 ft