We recently had an elderly couple rent our beach home. They initially stated that they could not open the directions emailed to them through the AirBnB
website. We ended up having to email from our personal email before they could open the attachment. They were very complementary about the accomodations when they arrived, left things tidy, overall ideal guests. Then, the evening of the day they checked out, they contacted us by email stating they were having trouble booking another stay through the website. The next day, I sent a "Special Offer" through AirBnB with the dates they requested. Today, they responded with a request to rent our home on a consistent basis, one week every other month. However, they do NOT want to rent through AirBnB, but us directly, as it would be "more convenient". Of course it's appealing to have a consistent renter throughout the year, who was gentle on your home, but it feels very odd that they would approach things this way. Obviously, AirBnB wasn't so inconvenient that they couldn't rent previously. They have good feedback with other properties on AirBnB. It just doesn't sit well with us...why would they want to bypass AirBnB? They even mentioned offering the rental full price, including all the taxes & AirBnB fees to compensate for our "extra trouble." Has anyone else dealt with this?