Guests avoiding pet fee / Airbnb not backing host

Level 2
New York, NY

Guests avoiding pet fee / Airbnb not backing host

I charge a pet fee for our listing using Airbnb's functionality to do so, and up until now assumed that this was sufficient (guests disclose pets along with indicating the number of guests, then it is automatically charged).


However, I recently had a guest bring along 2 undisclosed dogs, thereby avoiding the fee. I contacted them after the stay to request the fee and got no response. Airbnb is not supporting me, with the agent saying that the pet fee must be disclosed in the listing description.


I can certainly add the fee to the listing description, however I cannot find it stated anywhere on any Airbnb FAQ/guidelines page that pet fees must also be disclosed in the listing description, so I feel that I should have won this dispute (if the guest had properly registered their pet along with the booking, then they would have been charged). Airbnb has functionality to add the pet fee, you add the dollar amount, and there is no indication of any kind that states that you must also specifically call it out in the listing description.


Has anyone had similar/different experiences? Is there an actual policy somewhere that states this? I feel as though support agents often cite random things as fact and there is no transparent source of information to actually verify what the policy is.

4 Replies 4
Top Contributor
Buckeye, AZ



I think the reason you lost was instead of demanding a fee which no  nobody's listing says if II catch you  breaking a house rule you must pay me if caught.

If your house rules specifically state all pets must be declared  and a guest doesn't.  Then it is a breaking of a house rule.  Not the guest  didn't pay a fee.  

You present to the guest a House Rule is in  violation and you demand a remedy.  Then the guest has to offer to declare and pay for their pets or remove  the pets from your listing which if no pet fee then you have unexpected cleaning costs.

Though probably you don't have proof they were intentionally  sneaking so no you can't decide for your guest how the guest will remedy.

Hi @Elliot4 

If you had nothing in your House Rules regarding fees/fines for undisclosed pets prior to this situation, you may have difficulty winning this battle. Suggest you add to your Addl House Rules something like:


"No undisclosed pets permitted. Pets must be listed on reservation when booking. Undisclosed pet fee is $150/pet/night. Disclosed pet fee is $XX."

Will do. I just find it super bizarre / unreasonable that Airbnb officially supports a pet fee through the setting, then apparently (although who knows because there doesn’t seem to be any official documentation or confirmation) also requires a custom rule to confirm that the pet fee is actually required without any notice or guidance. 


I agree. I think you should have been able to collect the pet fee and Airbnb should have paid that if guest wouldn't pay it. 


Options for the future:


1. Host modifies the reservation to include the pets (guest can still can decline to accept the change or refuse to respond). This can only be done before or during the reservation; not after check-out. 


2. Guest modifies the reservation to include the pets and you accept


3. Requesting the normal pet fee via the resolution center


If the guest doesn't pay within 24 hours, then Airbnb should have paid it IMHO. As long as you have proof the guest didn't list the pets on the reservation and photo/video proof they still brought pets. The issue here is the Resolution Center is to cover damages/costs and/or fines associated with breaking a House Rule. I guess in this circumstance, Airbnb didn't feel there were damages/costs/fees associated with the situation?


You can try again to recover the pet fee via the resolution center, but not sure that will have success. Best to simply state your policy/fine for undisclosed pets in House Rules. We also send our Pet Policy to every guest. We either send it after they book and have indicated they are bringing pets, or we send it as part of our check-in instructions as part of this paragraph. You can keep it friendly, but clear:


Pet Policy

We welcome your well-behaved furry friends! Please note: all  pets must be listed on the reservation. No undisclosed pets may be on property during your stay.  (add whatever other requirements you have like they must clean up after the pet, please don't let  pets lie on beds, or left alone at the listing, etc.)


Then be sure you state this in your Addl House Rules along with whatever extra fee/fine you will impose and whether the guests reservation can be cancelled if they choose to ignore your rule.


Bad Review

Be prepared for a negative review as a result of your requiring them to pay for undisclosed pets. This is why you should to add this to your House Rules. If you get a retaliatory review as a result, you should be able to get it removed, as the guest broke a House Rule and then retaliated with a bad review. It's a pain to do this, so do everything you can to prevent it using Add House Rules, Guest Messages and making clear your Pet Policy and fines if guest doesn't comply.