Guests breaking house rules, what should I do?

Level 2
Jersey City, NJ

Guests breaking house rules, what should I do?

Hello Community!


My husband and I have been hosting since last March.  We rent out the ground floor of our house.  We have converted into a private apartment.


We have now hosted around 30 times and have not had any major issues with our guests. However, last night I we came home and my entire home smelled of pot.  Currently there are a young couple staying in the apartment.  They are students and although they did not meet my requirement of 25yrs and older they assured me that they were responsible, engineering students and that they would respect my home. I was livid when I walked in and smelled that!  I have an eight year old daughter!  I went downstairs and confronted them.  I  explained that they assured me that they were responsible and that they had provened otherwise.  I told them that smoking pot in my home was not acceptable and that I wanted it out of my house immediately.  They did not deny it, nor did they apologize, they just said "ok".  Nothing else has been said or done.  Should I leave it at that or take further action? 


Please help, I really don't know what I should do?


16 Replies 16
Level 10
Vancouver, WA

@Susan227  Well, you have one of two options:


(1) You've warned the guests and they've agreed to stop.  Leave it at that and continue with the reservation.

(2) The guests have broken your trust and you no longer want them in your house.  Call Airbnb and inform them of the violation and ask they cancel the remainder of the guest's stay.


Let us know what you choose!

Thank you so much!  I have decided to leave it alone, but did recap in the message page so that it is in writting,  just in case there are any other issues with them. 

Good idea!  Hopefully they knock it off.

Level 10
Las Vegas, NV

Yes, being a host requires being a parent as well. If the money is greater than the issue then I would let it go and tell them to smoke outside. I'm not sure why anyone would think it is okay to smoke pot inside someone elses house, but I digress.

Thank you for your response!  That is exactly what I felt like..."a parent disiplining her kids"!  It is also, part of the reason why I did not take further action of asking them to leave.  I did not have the heart!!   Someone suggested that I recap in the messge page, to cover my ass, just in case I have any other issuesm it is in writing.  So I did and I will leave it at that.

how do you expect to not have problems with strangers while you're renting to the world? if you're concerned over your little eight year old, you shouldn't be renting so close to a personal household of yours, period, let alone within that said household. [Inappropriate content hidden]

HAHAHAHA!!! @Susan227 I think your guest found you on here. This is hilarious. 

Level 10
Amsterdam, Netherlands

If that's the case it looks like she must have closed down her profile with the bad review and opened a new one the same month? Plus she was the only guest who left a bad (actually scathing) review of the (next?) visit she took.

Level 10
Amsterdam, Netherlands



Every time you confront a guest breaking the rules verbally, also recap in writing on the message page as record to Airbnb in case the guests fearing a bad review complain to Airbnb about different things to get a refund. When there is no record of a problem and how it was (offered to be) solved, then Airbnb often takes the guest side.


Personally, I think I would have told them: This is not working when you break the rules like this. I'm going to call Airbnb right now to have you re-located.

Of course that only works when Airbnb is on speed dial. 

For some reason there are people who seem to think that smoking pot is not considered smoking.



Thank you Andrea!  I sent a recap on the message page, so we have it in writting.  I guess I have to be more specific about the no smoking rule....LOL


Top Contributor
Mount Barker, Australia


Susan, you can be heavy handed here and show them the door....after all they have broken your house rules! Or you can take them aside and camly and rationally say something along the lines of..... (Doesn't have to be entirely accurate)..... "I have been a smoker myself in the past, even dabbled in the odd joint or two but guys, that was in days gone by! I am smoke free and so is my house. Can you please respect that others who come here after you might judge me by your actions, and I really can't have that. I please ask you to respect that and not smoke on the premises again"! 

What you have done by saying that Susan is, you have not been a brutal bi*ch, you have shamed them, and they will 100% respect what you have said. They will also give you a great review because you could have caned them.....but didn't!




I wish I would have read your message before I reacted night before last when it happened.  I was telling my friend the story yesterday and she said "oh those poor kids, you were a total bitch!!" LOL  I felt terrible after the fact.  But I walked in the door and smelled it, I was with my eight year old daughter and my husband.  My daughter is asking what is that funny smell, I think there is a skunk in the house!!! LOL  and I may have over reacted a tad bit! LOL  However, I did recap in the message page, so I have it in writting, just in case I have any other issues with them.  My tone was much calmer and more along the lines of what you suggested.

Thank you very much for your response, it was very helpful!


Level 10
Stonington, CT

I tell people my husband works for DEA.  Amazing how well behaved the young 'uns can be.

@Vanessa377It's laughable that you are calling anyone illiterate. Have you read your own post? Also, we've reported you for inappropriate behavior to AirBnB. Immature, bullying, name-calling behavior is unwelcome here and against AirBnB policies. You should definitely make a new year's resolution to be a better person in 2018.