Dear sir, I am not getting booking from this platform will y...
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Dear sir, I am not getting booking from this platform will you please help me out.
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hi, this is just something that I noticed: potential guests that inquire instead of book never end up booking.
They always seem to ask an simple question like "how's the parking", I answer, and then I never hear from them again. It's not a big deal for me since I get a good booking rate, but I was wondering if anyone else noticed the same thing?
Am I doing something wrong? They can still book even if I don't pre-approve them right?
@Michael1624 but that is part of hosting. People have questions even after they book. And don't you like being helpful? Don't you like the feeling of knowing you just made someone's vacation a bit easier? I know that there are rather boring guests with milions of questions but in my opinion the frequent questions should be answered. Many hosts ask the guests questions too, communication is the key. It is better if they ask and know what to expect then come and complain afterwards.
I noticed they all seem to message in the middle of the night like 3am 4am for 20-30 night stays for some large sum of money. I wake up and respond, then nothing! Im thinking its a game and Im considering ignoring from now on.
Hello @Lisa9820
I get that it's annoying as these are probably scammers but please don't ignore them since your response rate will go down if you do. If we don't respond to an enquiry within 24hours, this will adversely affect our positioning in the search results and you'll probably end up with a warning from Airbnb if there are too many enquiries that are being ignored.
I have used three dots when replying to someone who contacted me to offer me their unsolicited cleaning services. They got the hint but it counted as a reply.
Here is the Airbnb link on the subject:
All the best
I notice the same this. I have instant book and my booking rate is very good but out of the 200 inquiries I get. Only about 1 or 2 actually book. And it will be questions like like "i have dogs, do you allow dogs?", in reply instantly to yes. They dont book. They ask, "is there a recliner in the family room?" I respond quickly, yest there is. No book. I almost have gotten to the point where if they inquire then I know they wont book but I respond anyways because Airbnb counts my response time. My communacation is great and I reply instantly.
Yes!! These inquiries happen frequently and almost none of them end up booking. I'm fairly booked up with IB though so it's not a revenue issue. But because I'm somewhat new, I was responding diligently to every inquiry to boost my rating. Now that I've noticed this silly question trend, I feel like ignoring inquiries all together. Especially the people asking if they can bring their pet when my listing CLEARlY states no pets. It's just a waste of my time.
@Rhianna7 Answering inquires doesn't "boost" your rating, but not answering them at all will quickly plummet your Response rating.
You have to answer them, at least something. Create some saved messages you can send, adding whatever you need to to answer any specific questions they pose.
I get these all the time. I don't use IB. My favorites - do you supply firewood? and is there really a piano? what type? when was it last tuned? I always respond and they NEVER book.
I have mixed feelings on the pre approval. As a host Im happy to respond and pre approve, but I noticed a trend that pre approval led to less bookings. I think I know why, as a guest if you are pre approved air bnb seems to hound you to book, I think I got three reminders in 24 hours to book. It puts a lot of pressure on the potential guest. I know in my situation, I was trying to organize a group which takes time, that pre approval was just another annoyance. So now as a host, I respond, and let them know that they are welcome to book at their convenience if its still available.
@Michelle1851 Although I didn't know about the hounding, I never send pre-approvals. They never seemed to encourage the guests to book, and as I just said elsewhere, they make you look too eager to get a booking imo. When I get inquiries, I answer them, and if I don't hear back by the end of the day, I archive them. It's also surprising how often an inquiry is followed by an Instant Book from someone else who has no annoying questions or requests for discounts!