Guidebook Pictures

Level 10
Arkansas, United States

Guidebook Pictures

I want to add a guide to local flora and fauna to my wilderness listing.


The guidebook program is nice, but it does not allow me to add pictures of the plants and animals that guests might find here, and none of the categories I have to choose from are particularly relevant.


The guidebook does add pictures of places and tourist attractions downloaded from the internet, but unfortunately Brer Rabbit does not have a website.


I started adding pictures to my listing page, but people don't see the captions unless they click on the pictures, which they seldom do. My wife also objects to unexplained pictures of creatures which some people might find to be undesirable.


Do any other hosts or guests think that such a guide would be a useful tool to add to the website?


Even if people don't bother to look at it, I would like to be able to say that I have issued fair warning and that I will NOT be agreeing to refunds because someone saw a snake, an opossum, a buzzard, or a bug. Or even if they decided to use poison ivy for toilet paper while strolling through the wetlands.

9 Replies 9
Level 10
South Bruce Peninsula, Canada



Lol, love the poison ivy comment. LMAO.


How about taking pictures and creating a photo album at your listing.  You can then detail it with all "safety" concerns, i.e. "don't use this plant as TP, if you have an accident in the woods".  Just present it as a bonus amenity that they should take a look at.

Level 10
Arkansas, United States



Unfortunately the poison ivy incident was not imaginary.


We have a "no frills" shack that we used to rent privately from time to time. It had an outhouse. 


A "romantic couple" came for a week and on a rainy day the woman complained that the toilet paper was damp. Her, ummm, companion told her, "Quicherbitchin' and use leaves like the natives do."


She did. There were some lush green ones conveniently growing up the side of the outhouse.


End of romantic interlude. I suspect that she had some 'splainin' to do when she got home to her other significant other.

Level 10
Arkansas, United States



I don't see any way to make a photo album that is part of my listing.


Would I have to make a photo album in another program and somehow provide a link to my listing?


I thought maybe setting up a "wilderness experience" would do the job but it doesn't. I might provide a short nature hike as an experience, however, but I would prefer to restrict access to STR guests and that doesn't seem to be an option either.

Level 10
South Bruce Peninsula, Canada



I believe the story about the woman and the poison ivy.  I've heard similar stories, but none have ever made me laugh as that hard.  Fate works in mysterious ways.


About my suggestion about nature pictures, the only way I can see it happening is if you have a digital photo album made.  You would have to provide it outside of Airbnb.  Maybe a professional printed copy at your listing, or your own website that you could refer guests to.


I'm not super tech savvy in that kind of thing.  Good luck.

Level 10
Arkansas, United States



Thanks. I don't know much about the electronic stuff either and it's getting to the point where I will probably never learn.


I probably need to make a printed guide book and leave it where people can find it if they are so inspired.


I would just really like to preclude complaints like, "You never told me that there are bugs in your forest! You liar! You said it was safe! I want all my money back and some of yours too!"

Level 10
South Bruce Peninsula, Canada

Ok, so add the link to  the House Rules, that they agree to read the printed photo album and information (ie warnings) provided .  At least it will cover you for being informative, transparent and upfront.  If the guest doesn't read, then at least you can claim they were notified.


Just a thought about poison ivy, post a picture some where obvious, add the poem....


"Leaves 3, let it be, berries white, take flight".


Add wildlife to your listing, if you haven't  already.

Level 10
Arkansas, United States



I'm going to add these pictures to the listing, and borrow the poem as well, if you don't mind.


Poison Ivy.jpgNot poison ivy.jpg

Level 10
South Bruce Peninsula, Canada



Great Idea!! Go for it!

Level 10
South Bruce Peninsula, Canada

My husvand says "Nice, well done"