Have had a perfect 5* rating until now, got a 4*, will I ever get back to being a 5* star?

Have had a perfect 5* rating until now, got a 4*, will I ever get back to being a 5* star?

I´ve hosted all perfect 5 stars (about 12), until now, a super good review (go figure) gave me a 4*. Now i´m 4.9*

Will it ever be possible to go back to 5*?


Is 99.9% 5*- 0.1% 4 stars still count as 4*?

Will I be inperfect forever? haha...

How does this work?

106 Replies 106
Level 10
Santa Clara, CA

Your score will be 4.9. We hosted almost 100 people and our score is 4.96. It still shows 4.9


No matter what you do, there is always going to be some guest that give 4*. I wouldn't worry about that, just focus on keep providing a good experience and collecting more 5* reviews.

We just received our first 4 star review and I wondered the same thing.  I read comments, so I am hoping other potential guests do too.  Ours was a guest who left our home a greasy mess and didn't leave our property for a few hours after checkout--and WE got the 4 stars.  Honestly given his response, I am glad it was 4 and not lower.  That said, every pro we watched tells us not to get worked up about 4 stars.  I've seen lots of guests say how a great their stay was at a STR and then leave 4 stars.  I don't think everyone considers 4 stars a bad thing.

Level 10
Mount Barker, Australia


No Mariana, your professionalism, your character, your hard work, your accuracy, your welcoming personality has been stained forever!!

Although I have had 52 straight 5 stars in the categories of Communication, Accuracy and Value, that perfect 5 is lost forever for me in those categories because one guest who is long lost in the mists of time chose to give me a 4! So I will in 3 years time still be sitting on a 4.9...that uncaring insensitive individual that I am, and left to contemplate what I might have done wrong!


There are three things that are unachievable Mariana, 'Imortality', 'Global Peace' .......and an Airbnb perfect 5 record!



@Robin4 Love this: "There are three things that are unachievable: 'Imortality', 'Global Peace' .......and an Airbnb perfect 5 record!"


Are the scores calculated using all reviews or only the last 12-months reviews? 


Hi Girls, no they are set in stone, that lousey 4, or heaven forbid, a 3, will sit with you forever more as long as you host.

And this is where it is unfair, you can never escape a mistake, forgiveness is out of the question.

I know of a host who did the wrong thing when he started out and made a mess of one of his early hostings. That review from almost 4 years ago is still there and in fact it is even more prominent now because it is only in the last few months that Airbnb have taken to attaching the overall star ratings to reviews. One upon a time it was just a bad review....now it's a 2 star bad review....the sort of thing that hosts get suspended for now! But he has learned, he is a good host now.


We all learn......there is not a guest that doesn't teach me something. And I like to think that experience has made me a better host, just as I am sure it has done you Bruna, or Siana. 

Why can't we unshackel that 'boat anchor' that is stopping us from smoothly navigating the Airbnb ocean.



Level 5
Stanthorpe, Australia

You are 100% right Robin !! When Airbnb is going to listen to us the hosts that put all our hard work, efforts, putting our properties on the line etc etc .? oh no ...the customer ... ..or host.. is always right ! even if they are drunk filling the form...we will punish the host for 3 years ? Do they banned the 3 stars guests for three years?

Common Airbnb chase the unprofessional oportunistic hosts with constant bad reviews but do not allow 1 guest comment to ruin the trayectory of an excellent host.. by the way .. should'nt your algorithms solve all this issues Airbnb ?

Would be nice to  have a reboot for those shocking poor ratings. Maybe offer a wipe clean every 12 months or so, or a requalify option where you can prove that you’ve overcome that problem. Hotels have star ratings. 3, 4, 5 star options. How much do bad reviews effect hotel bookings compared to Airbnb hosts bookings?

Upon reviewing my reviews, I noticed that one of my guests gave  me all *5, but an overall *4. Math is not Airbnb strength! How can that be?

Level 10
London, United Kingdom



Because the guest probably didn't give you all 5 stars. If the stats are showing you 5 stars in all categories under someone's review, it means one of three things:


1. The guest gave you 5 stars in each category

2. The guest gave you 5 stars in some categories but didn't give any ratings for the others

3. The guest didn't rate the sub-categories at all


With a guest who leaves a 4 star overall, it is much more likely that they didn't rate the sub-categories than gave them all 5.


This is such a common misconception amongst hosts and it's not their fault as Airbnb shouldn't show no stars as 5 stars. It doesn't make sense and it's confusing, but that's how it is.

As usual, your way with words leaves me smiling amidst the reasonable indignation in the face of callous injustice without recourse in so many automated .com corporate settings that value algorhythms more than the people who make the business happen @Robin82 


This flawed value system (like many others) is not "sustainable" just as "lip service" is just a bunch of malodorous hot air that disintegrates with every change in the wind, hopefully to be rendered obsolete by something of greater integrity and benefit for all.


I can see how it looks, feel it coming, and am looking forward to it.


Hi Robin, 


Your post was funny and true.  I think we could make bumper stickers for the unachievable three things!

We have an old  4 star rating that is still staining our ratings.  It a 4 star for  'value' and they accidentally left a 7 diamond earring in the unit that I mailed back to them at my cost.  Funny, huh?  I guess some things are just not recoverable.  I guess it's better than a sharp poke in the eye.


Angela Simmons

Level 2
Pwllheli, United Kingdom

Hi Rob,

Your dead right. 

There is nothing you can do about it...except it...move on!!

Painful as it is. 

Regards , Jane

Level 10
London, United Kingdom



No, not actually true!


That's exactly what I thought. If you have just one 4 star rating, you will never get up to 5.0 EVER. You will forever stay at 4.9 no matter how many 5 stars you get after that.




After a time, I went back up to 5.0 and stayed there for two years, until my recent, annoying guest, who left me 3 stars plummeted my rating lower than it had ever been.


I am confident that I can get back up to 5.0, it's just going to take forever. And, if I don't, well no worries, 4.8 or 4.9 is fine by me (I didn't feel that way at first, but now I'm over it).

Ha ha, I am so glad I hopped onto the Airbnb community because today I got my first four star after a whole year of nothing but five stars and rave reviews. he gave me a four star, but a nice review. Your reply to the initial question was really nice and funny and I feel so much better.