As a new host, it's exciting to receive a request for a long...
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As a new host, it's exciting to receive a request for a long-term preapproval. The flash of potential income alongside the m...
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I am currently hosting a couple who has made a booking under 1 person.
Here is a background.
These two couple has stayed with us last year around the same time. They are visiting Australia to see their family and also to meet their visa requirement (I will explain why this is part of story later). Brought around 10 small and large luggages.
So, these two couple booked and stayed with us around 1 month period last year. They are lovely couple for sure. However, they have insisted they will be cooking at our place, when our house rule does not permit cooking dishes - only allowed heating up food. Given the period they are staying, I gladly permitted them to cook during their stay.
However, during their stay, they have used my kitchen condiments (to an extent that was excessive and greedy). I am not referring to using pinch of salt or oil. They used all sauces, rummaged through entire kitchen cabinet to the point, used half jar of condiments and spiced without few days (i.e Chillies, Herbs... Tumeric power, Cinnamon power...etc).
The alarming part was, they neither asked for permission, and neither acknowledge they have used (initially lied). Second time, they have told they will not use any further once I left them text message via Airbnb app, however, no apologies were received.
They stayed ok then we conversed and got to know each other more. So, on a good note when they left the place, we gave them 5/5 rating.
In return, we received 2/5 rating for no providing enough amenities and place being so small. Our room size was clearly noted and it is not surprise to anyone where they were going to stay as it was clearly indicated in our listing detail.
I was very upset, but I left their review untouched and moved on with my life.
They later messaged us and asked for letter to prove they have stayed with us during their stay. This was to meet their permanent residency requirement was they were not living in Australia actually...
Fast forward to this year, these two couple again booked with us for just less than 2 weeks this time (note: they clearly said our place was low value for money and was not great etc).
I managed to removed that comment via Airbnb as it was not true reflection of our place and neither accurate.
The issue and question I have to Airbnb host community is what should I do, as they booked this time under 1 person fee only (1 additional guest fee is $20 per night) .
Previously (last year) I charged them $90 per night (for upto 2 person to stay). This year, I didn't prefer taking 2 guest and 1 guest is really the ideal for the room size for any quest, so I have made the fee reduced $70 per night and if really required 2 person can stay with disclaimer the room can be small if they bring many luggage with them. So my way of discouraging them is charging $20 on top for 2nd guest.
These are couples however actually uses double the amount of hot water (these couple shower total 4 times in a day) which is the majority of the cost of my billing. I know this as I monitor Gas meter which shows the hot water usage.
As their usage is excessive, I want to claim the fee once they leave.
What is your thought? Do you think I am being stingy or unreasonable? How would you approach about this situation if you were me?
I am getting tired of such guest who are exploiting good relationship and our courtesy and generosity to allowing many exceptions.
I only found that just now that they have booked under 1 person so it is my fault that I didn't raise that immediately when these two couple arrived to our home but again, I don't like to deal in awkwardness and didn't want to start off on a wrong foot.
Also remember they left 2/5 review for us last year when they are they one should be thankful for us letting them use the full kitchen facility. It seems bit crazy bold and audacious for anyone to pull of such con act pretending they are weak and innocent old couple?
Answered! Go to Top Answer
You have already been taken advantage of by this couple.
I would not host them again.
In future, stand firm by your house rules. Do not lower your rates.
You are a very kind, generous and polite Host. Wishing you continued success!
This is so uncomfortable for you, and your good nature. You might rethink your policies when these people leave.
May I suggest that you make a limit of guests in your space, and do not use instant book. If you require guests to make a reservation request, you will keep the power to vet them as appropriate - or not - for the space. If your limit is 1 person, do be firm about it. If a guest books with you as 1 person, make sure, with the message thread, confirming that it is one person only. How may beds? What is comfortable for you, that does not cause all this stress? You might consider limiting the number of nights to discourage people using your space to establish residency.
I totally understand the discomfort of enforcing ones rules. On the flip side, this business should not be an ordeal for you, right?
@Kitty-and-Creek0 Thank you for your comment, this is very helpful and makes me feel encouraged to continue the Airbnb! Matter of fact, I have limit on my guest of maximum of 2 and I only accept guest after receiving their request. It is due to my naivety that they would have possibly changed also my desire on wanting to making small earning from this couple allowed them to stay with us again. My bad judgement! learnt the lesson hard way.. 😞
You have already been taken advantage of by this couple.
I would not host them again.
In future, stand firm by your house rules. Do not lower your rates.
You are a very kind, generous and polite Host. Wishing you continued success!
Thanks for straightforward reply! Will do! Thank you so very much!
So sorry to hear about this. I agree with the others to turn off instant book so you can screen people better and have more control on seeing if guests are a good fit for your space (along with them agreeing to your house rules prior to booking as some don’t read everything).
Additionally, I would contact Airbnb customer support and explain the situation and why you rated them high despite them being inconsiderate guests (as you didn’t mention them using your condiments, lying that they didn’t use it, rummaging through your entire kitchen without permission, etc. because you thought you worked it out with them) and also explain why you would like Airbnb to cancel the booking without penalty to you (the guest rated you poorly and why would they stay again if the stay was so poor, obviously it was a retaliatory review from being caught using and abusing your kitchen and condiments).
In the future, please be honest with reviews so hosts can see how guests truly are. You can still be kind, professional and honest in stating what happened and that things were challenging initially but resolved at the end. I know there is a weird process that everyone expects a 5/5 for things and it hurts when we don’t get that but these reviews are subjective. Guests also need to understand that if hosts frequently get poor reviews they are subject to getting delisted. I’ve read many stories about guests writing untrue reviews when they were caught for breaking house rules or were unhappy because they didn’t get their way during their stay. Many don’t read the listing completely and some don’t even read the check in instructions.
I’ve had people not read the check in instructions and I gently reminded them I had pictures and step by step instructions for an easy check in. I also ask if they didn’t see the instructions to make sure it wasn’t a tech glitch in the app or platform. Luckily they didn’t mark me down for check in as it was their fault they didn’t read the instructions (I mention this in the scheduled messages and it is viewable on the app near the reservation details).
@Lorina14 Thank you for such a detailed response. I will have to update my policy to be more obvious I think (repeat the clause).
@Soo375 I would NEVER host guests who had given a 2 out of 5 review. That alone is enough to turn them down, but they also are taking advantage of you.
Remember, you have rules for a reason and a limited capacity for a reason.
The minute a guest starts asking for exceptions to your rules, it means trouble.
I would not host these people again.
Thank you. Well noted! It is good to know where does this issue stands, which is clearly no no to many of experienced airbnb hosts. and guest. I will set a firm ground rule again be consistently apply.