Help! Guest requested biased review removal, but the review is still there?

Level 2
Gatlinburg, TN

Help! Guest requested biased review removal, but the review is still there?

Guest left a negative, biased 2-star review on one of our most popular listings. We have been working hard to keep the super host status. As a consequence, it decreased from 4.97 to 4.88.


We did our due diligence to communicate with the guest. Jeannieb eventually agreed to remove the review, and she did message the Airbnb Support Team. She even sent me the screenshot.


However, the review still exits and visible to visitors. We are desperate now. We tried to call Airbnb Support, but they told me they cannot remove the review unless the guest contacted them. But I told them that the guest already messaged them... it went in circles like that...


Any one can help please?


**[Guest name hidden due to privacy concerns - Community Center Guidelines]



1 Reply 1
Community Manager
Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

Hi @Eric-And-Grace0 , I had to remove the guest's name from your post due to privacy reasons and our Community Center Guidelines. However, on checking the reviews, I couldn't find the specific one you mentioned.  I was wondering if you reached out to Airbnb Customer Support again in this regards and got it removed. 


Looking forward to hear from you in case there are any updates!



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