Fist off I would like to say I think it's a shame this platf...
Fist off I would like to say I think it's a shame this platform is not allowing me to upload pictures as proof of my recent s...
Hello everyone!
This is my first year hosting and I took a chance and hosted a guest with no reviews. She was very chatty for the first couple days which was ok. But on the fourth day, my son and I can back from shopping and could hear a man's voice upstairs. (First violation) Then when she came downstairs I noticed her pacing a lot, she kept going out back to smoke even though my listing states no smoking. Then I realized she was refilling a gas station to-go cup with ice and ??. She walked her male friend out and then her behavior got stranger. I'll try to keep this short, she went back and for between manic and depressive. She started beating her fists on our kitchen island while saying F*^K this and that, I can't do this anymore.
I tried de-escalation techniques, I asked her if there was someone I could call for her, I tried to help. I reminded her that my son was in the room and at first she apologized, and then said F him too. At one point I called the man who just left. He proceeded to tell me she was a paying guest and I would have to post an eviction notice to get her out. (Waste of time, but I thought he might help and even come back to calm her.) Her language became more and more abusive. So when my other guest came home, we sent my son to his room and my guest kept the woman busy while I called the police and AirBnB.
She was so messed up she fell down four times before police could walk her out, EMS was called and she was taken to ER. We had talked over the last couple days and it seems she is in a pretty tough spot. Her 30 yr career coming to an end, fight with her brother that caused her to be homeless, without a vehicle, and also she said her phone broke. (She used mine a couple of times during her stay.) While I feel for her, I also need to warn others. It is disturbing, to say the least, that this could happen to her next host. I did follow up with AirBnb and they offered to pay for carpet cleaning since she spilled wine over just about every inch of carpet. Even knowing all they know, they told me she could leave a review. Wow. Anyway I was hoping someone out there had experience with tactful, but negative reviews.
I thought about saying that she was an ok guest until the 4th night, when she violated my heavy drinking, drugs and unauthorized guest rule.
I welcome your thoughts.
Answered! Go to Top Answer
"Unfortunately we had to ask this guest to leave early due to violation of house rules." It is best to keep this one simple and to the point. Divulging too much (as it turned into a medical situation) may cause you to be liable for defamation of character even if what you write is true.
I would say:
”I had to ask X to leave early, because she broke multiple house rules, caused damage to the property and was verbally abusive. I do not recommend her to other Airbnb hosts.”
That should let future hosts know that it went way beyond messiness or being annoying without getting into the details of her personal situation and mental health issues.
@Julie143 Thanks for the suggestion. I definitely want to give the next potential host a heads up.
Shouldn't we all know and believe that ABB would permanently bar a guest who had to be escorted out by police such that a review would be utterly unnecessary?!?
I'm so sorry this was your experience.
@TJ53 @Helen350 @Robin4 @Kelly149 @Julie143 Certainly a thumbs down review is warranted here. Here's where I am not quite sure what happens. How does the non-recommendation get communicated? In addition to the thumbs down, does the host have to post a review?
Actually in all my years as a host, I have not had a guest that I would give 100% thumbs down. I have had guests that I would not recommend in the share home listing, but none have been destructive or dangerous.
Even though I have been a member of the Community for years I still have much to learn 😄
re: 'How does the non-recommendation get communicated? In addition to the thumbs down, does the host have to post a review?'
i) It's possible to post a (virtually) blank Review. It's happened to me twice, Guests wrote nothing except punctuation marks, full stop in the former case, dash in the latter
Both completed the Ratings.
Therefore, if Guest can leave a virtually blank review, so must Host given it's just an automated system.
ii) I've posted elsewhere that I no longer have the option to Give Thumbs Up / Down. It's been replaced by 'Would you host X again? Yes / No'
In other words, a public recommendation has mutated into a personal decision,
I am not aware anyone else has mentioned this change on CC. So it seems to be a trial of some sort..
@Linda108 well, I had a cs recently tell me that Thumbs up/down, would you host again do not in any way factor into the "require previous positive reviews" setting.
He said* that a 1 Star review was the only thing that ABB considered a less than positive review.
*grain of salt... never can quite tell if cs knows what they're talking about...
@Kelly149 Interesting, Makes me wonder if the stars I give, and the answer to “would I host again” is far more important than the sentence or two that I write. It would be nice if that would stop them from any auto reservations. I wonder how this is conveyed as I have never seen anything negative on a profile/inquiry that I’ve had. My two bad experiences have been on people with no reviews.
@TJ53 My worst guests have had previous good reviews so I wouldn’t put a lot of stock in that.
Also, non-IB hosts see text from reviews but no stars. So you kind of need to consider both.
I think this is yet another example of abb taking away autonomy from hosts for the sake of guests.
Examples: profiles used to say “recommended by xxx number of hosts”. Hmmmm was there push back bc guests were having trouble securing stays after they got bad reviews??
on guest profiles now I see 5.0 review average on some guests and then no score at all on others. So is abb hiding their average score when they’ve been marked badly??
bottomline the abb review system is biased and seriously flawed. And is one more reason why I am decreasing my exposure on abb more and more as time goes on.
Your place is an Airbnb stay -- not a psych ward. This guest has no business staying in any Airbnb stay. She should be staying at cheap grungy motels or staying under a freeway overpass.
@Pete69 I must express my disappointment in reading your post. As a retired mental health professional your callous post is very offensive. While I can agree that some people are not suitable for the shared home accommodations, I cannot condone your perspective.
Wow! What an understatement!.... "some people are not suitable for the shared home accommodations". All I can say is have fun hosting someone who might destroy your place, scar your kid, stab you in your sleep, etc. Call me 'callous' for wanting to keep my home my home. I really don't care.
@TJ53Curious what you ended up putting in your review, if it's been written yet. It really is a sad situation, and it's really unfortunate you had to go through it: it sounds like you handled it very well.