Hallo, mein Kalender ist nicht mehr sichtbar und lädt nicht...
Hallo, mein Kalender ist nicht mehr sichtbar und lädt nicht mehr. bitte um Hilfe viele Grüße jana Santamaria
AirBnB’s new “no pic needed” policy is HORRIBLE and dangerous to hosts and guests. It leave hosts with no way of knowing that the person checking in is the person who actually booked the reservation, without rudely asking to see a picture ID. I was told the policy change was to “combat racism” by an AirBnB rep. I can’t think of anything more dangerous to both hosts and guests than AirBnB sending people of color to stay at some racist host’s house (who would have previously just looked at their profile pic and declined their reservation). Instead AirBnb is endangering people of color by sending them to confront such racists IN PERSON and in ignorance.
Also, as a member of the LGBTQ+ community it’s not safe for me and my husband to book places to stay for ourselves without making it clear we’re a gay couple. It could get us beaten and killed, especially overseas. AirBnB’s new “no pic policy” endangers LGBTQ+ people who don’t bother posting a pic of themselves for bigoted hosts to see them as a couple (and decline the booking). Instead, we can now show up as a gay couple unexpectedly to a bigot’s house and be confronted with their hate.
It’s clear that whoever formulated this new “no pic required” policy has zero understanding of the safety and liability issues involved for both guests and hosts. Please require pics so everyone can get back the small measure of protection they provide for all involved!
@Kevin1056 But it's **bleep** off almost all hosts, the majority of whom are not the least bit racist. It would be a much more effective way to combat racism if Airbnb reversed the no porfile before booking is confirmed policy, and instead tracked hosts who decline requests based upon the profile photos being of blacks, Asians, or any other people of color, or those posing with a same sex partner. Then boot those hosts off the platform.
Clearly old Kevin dearest is a racist to the HOSTS . As per his remark "I slept in a racists bed and they had to change my sheets". You see Sarah that is the major argument I also had with Airbnb as they now allow the GUEST to be racists towards US the HOSTS (the very reason they exist) . Because GUEST can pick and choose their stay according to the phot they see and if they see and if they are racists , they have a thing against whites or blacks or what ever color, THEY can choose not to stay with you based on that very fact!
"I love pissing off racists. I slept in his bed and they changed my sheets.."
I'm sorry but here is a news flash for you - THAT is a fullblown passif agresive racist remark coming from YOU!
Our complains is not about race. It is being able to look at a person and let your 'gut-feel' finalize your decision if you will allow them into your personal space or not. (no matter their race, religion or sexual orientation). I had a look at your listings and it seems that you only rent out the whole house and not just a room in the house that you and your family live in like many of us do. Therefor , it would not really affect you as much I guess.
I have to agree with Cindy on this. My first guest was an African American man and she was wonderful as was my second, a white guy. Third was ok a couple who I think were Hispanic but could have been Asian in not really sure and didn’t ask. My main issue with them was that I listed a single person listing and they showed up together. But I let it go and moved on. Figured maybe they didn’t know. And added a per person fee. But the last guest was a white girl and I got bad vibe from her from when she walked in. She wasn’t horrible to the extend that anyone felt unsafe. But she was somefor whine a got a vibe of whine I’d have trouble with. And sure enough. Multiple issues nothing big enough to cancel the listing and send her packing but enough to send her a text to not repeat certain behaviors and respect the home a bit more. And I’ve never had to do such a clean up after a person left as when she left. So while everyone is entitled to an opinion and everyone has one and we all will say what we will, the fact remains that we all need to be able to look at a person and their photo and get a sense of who they are. If you see someone that appears to be, with indicators you have noticed hroughout the context clues of life, the type of person with whom you don’t want to associate then you generally can read into that from expressions and the eyes of those we are letting into our homes. Personally I grew up in New England then spent many years in NYC in almost every borough and before retiring to Florida lived in many areas and saw and experienced many different aspects of life. So I think it’s ok to say “this one doesn’t look right to me for xxx reason” and it should not be a race thing. If one account always rejects only one particular race then perhaps there is a system in place to flag that after a set number of cancellations or refusals. I don’t know. Anyway sorry for the extensive post.
Cindy "Let your Gut Feeling decide" what does that mean? You Can't judge a book by its cover.
So if someone looked weird? Or if a guy wanst hot enough for you, you want to be able to deny him?
News flash!!! This isint Tinder. Smh
@Kevin1056 What a weird response to Cindy's post. Did she say anything about declining a request because the guy wasn't hot?
Yes, I would decline a reservation by gut feeling, based on several factors- the profile photo, the guest's communication, if they've received bad reviews from past hosts, or all the reviews they've written for past hosts are complaining about everything.
It says a lot about someone when you see what kind of profile photo they post on a site where they are expecting to be welcomed into people's homes. It has nothing to do with their race, nationality, sexual orientation, or whether they're good-looking or not, but whether they really think that presenting themselves sticking their tongue out at the camera, or bare-chested, etc. is appropriate to being accepted as a guest.
I agree with you 10000 % - and I am now moving away from AirBnB as a host and guests. I already unlisted most of my properties and as confirmed guests complete their bookings with me, I am moving towards closing everything. My reviews shows that I accepted people from different backgrouns in the past, so I am not a racist, but I do want to see who is staying at my place, I want to choose this and as a guest, I want to know that my host will accept me and my husband.
I no longer want to host airbnb guests becouse of the new policy why would i open up my home to a random unknow person it is dangerus for me as a single woman to do that ! it is tottaly nuts that they exspect you to approve a guest without having a clue about who you are inviting in to your home
I agree that the new no-photo policy is harming the system in it's entirety. How would it be for the guest to only see our pictures, or the picture of the listing, or the location, only after booking?
Airbnb tells host they can decide who will stay and who to deny, however the picture is a great tool to get an idea of who is staying. I am not racist and have hosted people and would host, but the decision comes per inquiry and it's based on a number of things, including the picture if available. Transparency is a key factor in deciding whether to host.
You have to consider that some host's we're hosting in the same home where we live. Possibly a single woman with two little children. It could be a decision based on a per case basis. Maybe if my husband was at home it would be different. Maybe if the guest is clearly indicating the reason for their stay and depending on the duration.
Additionally I find that Daniel has raised some important concerns.
Additionally a new concerns comes from the fact that apparently, guest are allowed to change their profile entirely, including picture, name, nationality and I assume, verified ID even after having a confirmed booking under different user details.
I even feel like I might be framed as racist for denying accommodating a different user than the one who booked. Even if the original user then changed her profile to match the actual user who wanted to stay.
Not only their conduct was against the policy, I felt scammed and that they had something to hide.
There's no way to know if I would have refused the booking for the guest if I knew his generalities since the start or not.
I simply refuse to accept guests without seeing a profile pic first. Catch 22? I will no longer be accepting Air B&B guests as a direct result of the recent change. Discrimination? Bull **bleep**!
If your sentiments were widespread John, with no profile pic yourself you would never be able to book any Airbnb anywhere.
You highlighted a glaringly obvious Safety and Security Issue with your post and I welcome your insight.
like i applied for a job at air bnb and they made me put up a profile picture to try and work there. thats soooo not legit or fair.
Joining my voice with all those who think that the policy of showing guests’ profile pictures only after a booking is counterproductive and unfair to hosts. AirBnB provides a relatively new type of hosting and it is totally based on confidence. The fact that guests’ profile pictures are hidden until the reservation is confirmed is devious and makes me feel very uncomfortable. I might add that cancellation by hosts, if there is a problem of any sort, has been made more and more difficult over time. But hosts must have control over who they receive and be given all the info they need to make their decision. So… can we go back to basics?
does the competitor sites of air bnb allow their hosts to see pictures? can air bnb save the world by eliminating guest pictures? has this reduced prejudice, is air bnb making the world of hosting better or worse? this policy has made my time hosting worse, do they care at all?