Host refuses full refund on unintended reservation


Host refuses full refund on unintended reservation

We were researching airbnb's and unintendedly committed a $659.00 reservation for a house.

Upon realizing the unintended reservation, our credit card was charged. We immediately followed the cancellation process but was informed we would be getting only $159.00 refunded for the cleaning fee. We would be forfeiting $500 for the unintended reservation!


There was a cancellation policy which stated the refund of the cleaning fee. However, we tried to cancel within minutes of the reservation, not days, weeks or months since were just comparing places and have no intention to stay at the location.


We called Airbnb support for assistance was told they would contact the host but the host is holding the cancellation policy.

This was an honest mistake and we are being victimized by the host and Airbnb.

I am sure other Airbnb guest may have made unintended reservation and host are understanding.


How and where can we escalate this case to continue communications to get our full refund?  

Top Answer
Top Contributor
Edmonton, Canada

Hi @Rina7683,


It is unfortunate that you made this error.  It does take quite a lot of steps to get through to the confirmation of a reservation and you would have had to click on the Confirm and Pay button and agreed to the different policies that were stated.  Here is a screenshot:


Confirm and pay.png

It is important for you to take some responsibility here as you seem to be blaming the host and Airbnb and not reflecting on your errors as you state, "we are being victimized by the host and Airbnb".

Now, when you reached out to the host, were you blaming or were you being kind and not demanding?  How much time passed between booking and realizing your mistake?  In any event, if this happens again, or if you wish to reach out to the host, you could ask the host if they book the days that you booked or some of the days, if they would provide a partial refund.  It is not Airbnb who sets the cancellation policy as that is set by the host.  Airbnb needs to just follow through with the contract that you made with the host and it looks like this host is holding you to the contract.  I hope that you are able to work this out with the host.








Superhost Ambassador ~ Host Club Community Leader ~ Experienced Co-Host

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1 Reply 1
Top Contributor
Edmonton, Canada

Hi @Rina7683,


It is unfortunate that you made this error.  It does take quite a lot of steps to get through to the confirmation of a reservation and you would have had to click on the Confirm and Pay button and agreed to the different policies that were stated.  Here is a screenshot:


Confirm and pay.png

It is important for you to take some responsibility here as you seem to be blaming the host and Airbnb and not reflecting on your errors as you state, "we are being victimized by the host and Airbnb".

Now, when you reached out to the host, were you blaming or were you being kind and not demanding?  How much time passed between booking and realizing your mistake?  In any event, if this happens again, or if you wish to reach out to the host, you could ask the host if they book the days that you booked or some of the days, if they would provide a partial refund.  It is not Airbnb who sets the cancellation policy as that is set by the host.  Airbnb needs to just follow through with the contract that you made with the host and it looks like this host is holding you to the contract.  I hope that you are able to work this out with the host.








Superhost Ambassador ~ Host Club Community Leader ~ Experienced Co-Host