I'm a new host and would like to know what to include in the...
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I'm a new host and would like to know what to include in the checkout list. Appreciate your time and suggestion in advance.
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just stumbled on this article from a few months ago. It's about a video that went viral after a guest posted about an Airbnb where there were apparently too many 'rules".
I am a bit surprised by the reaction to this and also the tone of the article (they go as far as describing the guest's experience as an 'ordeal'), but then I am a host, so I am probably seeing it from an entirely different perspective. I don't put signs or post it notes around my listing (only welcome blackboards with WiFi details and some tourist leaflets and maps) and I don't even print out a house manual/instructions, although I keep meaning to get around to the latter. Like this host, I live onsite, but I give my guests a pretty thorough welcome tour and am usually around to answer any questions.
So, while I think this host may have gone too far with her signs and notes and also about which glass to use for what, and maybe she could have worded things differently, but I think she probably had good intentions. Most of the stuff presented here are not rules, but information/instructions. I assume she left instructions for things like the remote because some guests struggled with it. I have no idea what the deal is with the shower curtain, but I assume there is a reason behind why it needs to be opened a certain way? Plus, the rules mentioned don't seem insane to me, e.g. no open flames, no smoking, if you break something, tell me, quiet hours etc. I just personally would not post rules around the place. Instead, I ask guests to confirm they read the rules before they book and I remind them of a few important ones when they arrive.
What do you think? Do you put signs or post it reminders in your listing? Do you provide a printed house manual? I believe a lot of hosts do the latter, and it's supposed to be useful to guests, so I was surprised that people took such an exception to this, as if it was a bizarre and controlling thing to do.
I have a similar note in a nice frame on the workstation desk in both my rooms.
@Huma0 I can only imagine the guests this host must have had that drove them to put signs everywhere!
But, people simply do not pay attention. I had yet another guest go to the basement door upon arrival, even though our check-in message now says 'Do not go to the basement door'. I might go back to doing an in person check-in because that is insane.
We have two notes, one on the refrigerator printed caligraphy style on a nice card stock that says 'please recycle' and a note behind the stove that says the burner knobs must be pushed in before turning. We do have a house binder that includes a lot of info on where things are in the house and reiterates check-out process and major house rules, but it's pretty unobtrusive since its along with the NYC brochures and local take out menus.
Yes, I also had a sense that the host took this approach based on experience. My house rules are LONG, but they didn't start out that way. I found I had to keep adding to them based on reoccurring experiences with guests. Whilst many people would think the things I have included are obvious, most guests do not do what one might think is 'obvious' unless it is spelt out for them.
The host in this example was perhaps a bit heavy handed with it. Nicely worded and nicely presented (e.g. your calligraphy style nice card stock) would probably go down better than her more crude, colour coded, everything capitalised so that it seems like shouting, marker pen signs.
I have only stayed in three Airbnbs as a guest. One of these was actually a traditional B&B in the English countryside and run as such. The host only occasionally used Airbnb for bookings. So, no house manual in that situation, but there was still a manual, similar to what you would get in most hotels and B&Bs, explaining how to operate the TV, breakfast timings etc. The other two were more like 'proper' Airbnbs, and both had house manuals which were useful, in my opinion, and nothing to take issue with.
I get why guests would not like the signs everywhere. That would also make me feel a bit uncomfortable as a guest, but why such a fuss over the manual, which is actually something Airbnb recommends we provide as good hosting practice?
@Huma0 I leave as few signs as possible unless they are standouts for me. such as the glass bin and the recycle bin and my phone number and the insructions to call me if there is any problem. I met guests and do a walk thru where I tell them about how to use the heaters , which key is which, where to leave it . to lock the doors and take the key out with them , how to secure the doors for safety at night and the windows . where they can park , where to find the password for the Wifi, on the mantle piece,where the shops , restaurants buses are, and simply establish the fact that I will help them,if necessary. People do call with issues ,such as thunderstorms,cant use the television to watch their shows,how to use the oven,even though I always tell them. It works pretty well . I think a lot of notes just means you are not able to be there for your guests and are trying to cover all bases without actually being available. some people even grown ups just need to be allowed to be in the space and to know someone else is taking responsibility. Thats what I think anyway and is where my hosting work comes into being. BE there but dont be there. H
I think I am pretty similar, even though I am a live in host. I think the only signs anywhere are the welcome blackboards and the WiFi passwords. There are tourist leaflets in the guest rooms and some flyers on the fridge but, apart from the one from the council about the recycling, those are mostly just discount vouchers that guests can use if they choose. Occasionally, I will pop a post it on the dishwasher so that people don't open it when it's on.
The most important thing is the house tour, which is where I explain where all the essentials are, how the front door lock operates etc. It does take a while, but I feel like most guests appreciate it. After that, they can just ask me if they forget something. You do get the occasional guest who bombards you with questions, but often I think it's just because they are needy or a bit lonely, so sticking signs up all over the place really doesn't help with that.
I may be a little guilty..certainly nowhere near this extent!! ( annoying). I've made notes about things that guests repeatedly ask about or is important for them to know .No one reads an online manual or house rules. The few notes I have ,have mostly stopped the questions.( how to work the TV, room heaters, sound machine, etc)I also overshare in the text just before their arrival, regarding where to park and how to get in the house. I include a picture. So often the guests reply with how helpful it is. It's amazing how I still get questions about obvious things like, what is the wifi password( it's in the manual on the table, and in a cute little picture frame over kitchen sink!) It's all fine though...just part of being a host.
unfortunately, not even 1000 messages can replace common sense and logic.
Unfortunately, I believe you are right. One of my current guests told me literally minutes ago that the washing machine hates her. This time, I had to tell her not to try to force the door open before the cycle had finished. When she did her last wash, she messaged me asking if I was home because the washing machine was broken. It simply would not turn on. I came downstairs, pressed the start button and, guess what? It turned on, of course, and was working fine.
So, now she is convinced that the machine has some kind of vendetta against her. She was joking of course, but we have had the same issues with the stove, dishwasher and a whole list of other stuff. That is why the second article I posted did not surprise me at all. I deal with this kind of stuff all the time.
And here's one that the guest actually enjoyed. A sense of humour never hurts...
I have these in sweet photo frames on or near the loo. I now have to update it because we just had a situation where guests clogged the system with baby wipes.... 😡
My house manual keeps expanding thanks to questions from guests. I also send a post-check-in cheery message with a few important things that are in the manual, or new things that have come up that aren't in the manual yet. I'm trying to keep this brief as I don't want to annoy my guests.
My mother has persistent problems with tenants who keep flushing wipes down the loo. It has cost her a fortune already, they deny doing it, but it only started happening after they moved in. She has owned the property for around 20 years and never had problems with the plumbing. Every time she has to call a plumber or drainage expert round, they find a mass of wipes clogging the pipes and drains. I have also once had a similar problem here.
Common sense really isn't that common. The real problem though is that most people are not willing to take responsibility for the damage that they cause. Meanwhile, the host is the 'bad guy' for reminding guests not to do the stupid things that they so frequently do. Why else would this host have a note about no naked flames (burning of candles, smoking etc). I bet you she has had guests do this in the bedrooms and that's why she feels the need to point it out.
@Huma0 we at least own a few plumbing tools so we can clear our own septic, this is a must on a farm when it can take days to get someone to come out. I recently had the pleasure of having coffee with Rob @Robin4 and he told me a ghastly story about spending a fortune on having a septic line cleared. I won't ruin his story, it's a cracker and his to share. My daughter and I spent over 2 hours pulling up muck (why is there always corn??! haha), then she spent another 30mins on the Gerni clearing it away. Then showers and washing of those workclothes and work boots, it was half a day lost.
Part of the problem is that some manufacturers actually put "flushable wipe" on the packet, which is an absolute load of bollocks.
I quite like the brutal truth of "if you didn't eat it first, don't put it in the toilet" 😅
Yes, I have noticed also that a lot of wipes are being advertised as flushable or biodegradable. I would still not put those down the toilet but I guess a lot of people do.
However, with my mum's tenants, they have been repeatedly told that the wipes are what are causing the problem. They just deny doing it and keep doing it. It's crystal clear that it's them. There is not other explanation.
I don't know what to suggest to my poor mum. It's not just the cost of repeatedly calling out plumbers/drainage engineers (which are very expensive here and I'm guessing in most places) but it's also causing substantial damage to the property below.
I simply do not understand how people can be so stupid. If they insist on using loads of wipes, fine, but just put them in the bin! If I had a guest who did this once, I would forgive them. If they did it repeatedly after being told not to, they would be told to leave. Unfortunately, due to tenants' rights, it's not so easy for my mum to get rid of her nightmare renters.
What a great sign! I'm going to use it. 😉