How I can become a Co-Host

How I can become a Co-Host

I have decided to become a co-host to inspire my passion here on the Olympic Peninsula. I am so new to this but am increasingly knowledgeable. This is a journey I am nervous to start but so enthused at the same time. Please if anyone has a step-by-step guide to help me as a beginner, please reach out. 


Step-by-step instructions helps me start at a successful rate for myself and guests' satisfaction. I am looking forward to whom can instruct me in this journey. 



4 Replies 4
Community Manager
Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

Hey @Christa272,


Welcome to the Airbnb Community Center!


You can also explore some existing resources regarding Co-hosting that I thought would help you with basic guidance and information: All about Co-hosting. Do let us know how you are getting on with it! 


I hope you also get some good tips from our other experienced Hosts of our Community.



Please follow the Community Guidelines

How is it going? Did you start co-hosting? I would like to find a landowner to host my space, and to collaborate on an Airbnb. Do you have tips for that? 

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

What do you mean when you say 'I would like a landowner to host my space' - do you want to lease land and build on it for. STR ??? @Brittany516 

Hi, Helen. I live in USA