How do I handle the cleaning when I am hosting two different guests at the same time?

How do I handle the cleaning when I am hosting two different guests at the same time?

I am new as a Abnb host and I am wondering how do I go about handling the cleaning especially bathroom when I am hosting two different guests at the same time. I live on premise however we love being on the go and leave guests giving them the experience of having the house to themselves. I noticed that as the guests used the bathroom particular the shower it’s need cleaning you clearly see a ring and hair left behind, I do not want the next guest having to shower or take a bath after a guest and clearly see the tub needs cleaning. Any ideas?


When I am hosting two different guest I will not leave to go about my business so I can get the bathroom cleaned if needed. I do not charge a cleaning fee FYI...


I am anal about my cleaning just like others (I clean myself no problem on my end to do it) however I do want to still have a life but I cannot figure out how to get it clean unless I have the guess do it.



19 Replies 19
Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Adrienne174  This is one of those "You can't have your cake and eat it, too" situations. If you want to rent out 2 rooms to unrelated guests who have to share a bathroom, and you want to get good cleanliness ratings, then you can't also leave for long periods of time and not monitor the bathroom situation.


There's a few things I can think of that might help. One is to make it clear in your listing info, as well as when guests book and when they arrive, that as the bathroom is shared, guests need to be respectful and clean up after themselves in there. You could put a nicely framed reminder on the wall in the bathroom. Make sure there are cleaning supplies available to guests and even show the ones who don't "get" it, how to wipe down the hair on the wall and the floor of the shower, etc.


Realistically, a guest who books a place knowing that they are going to be sharing a bathroom with another guest can't really have high expectations for the bathroom being spotless all day, but still, they might mark you down on cleanliness. So you should make it clear to guests how often you clean in there, and that it's up to them to clean up after themselves the rest of the time.


Maybe you have a retired neighbor who would take on the job of coming over to do a bathroom cleaning once a day if you want to go out for the day, for a bit of extra income?


You could also reconsider not renting out both rooms to separate guests, but put both bedrooms under one listing- rent them as a unit, so friends or families can book both rooms. Then they aren't sharing a bathroom with strangers, and if one of them is a bathroom slob, that's their problem, not yours.

Level 10

@Adrienne174 First off, you need to charge a cleaning fee. It is expected and you will feel less like a maid, at east you are getting paid for your extra time.

2nd, many people do not mind that someone is taking care of the place while they are there. I knew a guy who had bunk beds and had a cleaner on site all the time, and that is all that she did was clean the place. So sneak inside and clean it and move on. 

I think it is amazing that you are so attentive to your guests I wish you lots of success. 😁

@Nina75 I was charging a cleaning fee and just recently removed it and put some of the cost into the price making me still compatible with others.


The reason for the change is I thought we can get more bookings and potential guests would prefer no cleaning fee than a listing with one. 

I think I’m still compatible with others even with their list price is cheaper however with their clean fee added I am slightly higher by a few dollars.

Level 10

@Adrienne174 You have amazing reviews... Keep up the good work. Can you show a close up picture of your towels?

@Nina75 do you want to see close up of towels or are you suggesting I put a close up in my listing?

@Adrienne174 Yes, I would Love to see a close up of your towels.  I dont use white towels because they stain.  I just buy a bunch of Koozies from Ikea and I give those to the guests. 




Nice!! Thanks for sharing.

Level 10
Paris, France

Hi @Adrienne174 

Welcome to the community 😊
In the shared space, everyone should adequately clean up the bathroom after use. It is a shared bathroom and shared restroom manners and respect with the next person.

You could clearly describe in the listing announcement, be mindful of a shared bathroom. Keep it clear in the house rules.
Besides, you can remind the guest during their stay, which is vital of hygienic to the shared bathroom.


Happy Hosting✌️

Level 10
Saskatchewan, Canada

A couple of ideas pop into my mind to solve this scenario:

1) provide Lysol wipes in the bathroom with a sign that reads to wipe down the shower after use.

2) provide a squeegee for the shower.

3) ask guests in the house rules, bathroom description, and other things to note sections of your listing descriptions to clean the shower after use.

4) get one of those automatic shower spray  cleaners (scrubbing bubbles). 

I doubt the shower could be very dirty after just one shower though and chances are your guests see it as sparkling clean still. Have you had any guests complain? Like the saying, If it is not broken don’t fix it. If you clean the washroom once every couple days(when you have time) I’m sure that is enough! 


@Katrina79 I don’t give guest a chance to even see it dirty or need cleaning 🤷🏽‍♀️ I know from myself I do not want to pull back the curtains and see hair and a ring of some kind and believe me I seen it, it’s the big reason I decided to get my Airbnb family thoughts. I do have rules in a frame outlining bathroom rules on the walls however some if not all do not clean after themselves especially not running the water to remove hair strands at least.


I am going to try these suggestions you and others who replied outlined and see how it works.



Level 10
Orono, ME

@Adrienne174 When you say "on the go and giving guests the house to themselves" does that mean that you take off for the weekend? Or you go about your day without conforming to the guest's schedules? If you are onsite/living at the house while the guests are there, I would designate 2 separate times during the day to go in and refresh/check the bathroom. Say once at 8 am and again at 6 pm. You could even have a little checklist on the back of the bathroom door that you initial (similar to what you see in public restrooms.) This way the guest will know that you are keeping the bathroom clean but not after every use. I would never expect a guest to participate in the cleaning. You can require or insist on it but I bet it will never be up to your standards. 

@Emilia42 i mean I want to go about my day but want to get to a point where I can go away for a few days because I like to travel and want to visit AirBNB homes as well. Putting the cleaning checklist on the back of the door is a check for me and I will add it today.


@Adrienne174  If you want to go away for a few days then I suggest you hire someone to come over and clean the bathroom. It's one thing to ask guests to clean up after themselves, but not all will and it's unfair to the other guest. 


Or close your calendar for one of the rooms and don't take bookings for it when you plan to go away, so guests don't share a bathroom while you are away.