Hi all, a guest has washed and dried the bed sheets (which a...
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Hi all, a guest has washed and dried the bed sheets (which are off white cream color sheets). They now have a few streaks and...
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I need your help on how to review this guest. They had 5 star reviews on their profile which was promising when I accepted the booking. The booking was for 7 nights, generally I was able to ignore some of the short comings, like leaving the lights on, the windows opened when the heating is on. But what get to me was that, for the whole weak, they left their used dishes in the dish washer, and keep adding to it as they use extra. I was hoping that at some point, the plate and cutlerries will be washed. It did state in my listing that guest should clean up after themselves.
So not been able to bear it anymore, 5 minutes before they checked out with their last luggages, I called them up on this, and the excuse was, they didn't find the soap.
I am a live in host, so I was at home the whole week and why can't they ask. I subsequently showed her where, which is where others have been.
My question is how do I rate these 2 guest, every other thing was fine
Thank you for your time everyone
@Abi010 It probably would have been a better thing to have run the dishwasher when you found that there were enough dishes in it and it would not waste energy. I suspect that guests were cleaning up after themselves by loading but not running the dishwasher until you said to. If you want your guests to hand wash the dishes that they use, tell them!
I would greatly appreciate a guest in my home that would at least take their dishes to the sink and load the dishwasher. I would have been much more upset by the guest who left dishes strewn about the house or stacked up in the sink without any attempt at cleaning.
As to your review, think carefully about whether not these guests were untidy or did not follow your rules. I think they tried -- but some communication was needed -- from you.
@Lorna 170
Thank you for your quick response. It is a learning curve for me, as all my previous guest have always hand washed their dirty dishes, so it was a bit odd for me.
I don't want to mark them down on it, which I informed them as well. I now know for next time. Its always difficult not to cause offence to your guests, I wish I haven't mentioned it now 😢. Thank you for your time and response, I will learn from it
Although the majority of my guests hand wash their dishes, in my opinion, there is absolutely nothing to get upset about if guests put their dishes in the dishwasher. If you provide a dishwasher, you can expect guests to make use of that rather than just assume they will hand wash stuff.
You could just tell them from the start that they need to hand wash dishes, but that would be bizarre given that you provide a dishwasher. If you want them to put the dishwasher on, then make that clear in your check out instructions. Personally, I don't want the guests putting it on unless it is full as it's just wasting energy and water.
I would be far more annoyed about guests leaving lights on unnecessarily or windows open when the heating is on.
@Huma0 and @Sudsrung0 thank you for both suggestions and advice. It just goes to show that another man's meat, is another man's poison As I mentioned in my previous post, I have not had any guest who uses the dish washer, so I wasn't expecting their dishes to be left on washed , even at check out.
I intentionally didn’t include it when I am doing the initial tour at check in, as like Huma0 , it is a waste of energy and water.
As suggested , I will need to inform my subsequent guests at check in what are my preferences.
Thank you for your time , I am still learning the ropes.
I would say here in Phuket a dishwasher is a waste of money, we have had them in our villas they dont get used,
A washing machine is a must have I know in the past we lost bookings in one villa we had because it didn't have a washing machine, It's ok I sold the place so I never did install one,
@Sudsrung0 , thanks, I feel its a waste as well , especially with the high cost of energy and living these days, but probably that's not so obvious to most guest.
It really doesn't bother me they have not washed the dishes, That way I know my cleaner will do them and they will be clean for the next guest, I have had guest not do them properly and put them back in the cupboard especially pans, I remember getting a complaint about that, I know you could say our cleaner should have checked but you know how it goes.
Im more concerned about them not turning everything off like the A/C and closing the doors,
I dont want them doing anything apart from tidy up,
I wouldn't say a dishwasher is a must either. Most of my guests hand wash their stuff, but some do put things in the dishwasher, and with the latter, it can be a lot of stuff! So, the dishwasher sometimes gets used frequently and other times not.
I didn't have a dishwasher in my previous home, but there was space enough in my current one and I initially had three long term lodgers, many of them lazy about cleaning up after themselves. Having a dishwasher certainly helped to keep the kitchen tidier, even if I seemed to be the only one who ever emptied it.
The dishwasher is also one solution to guests not washing things properly. I often take things off the drying rack and pop them in the dishwasher, because I can see they're not really clean.
Hi Abi, I would not make any mention in the public review about this dishwashing thing if everything else about their stay was satisfactory. The excuse that the guest could not find the soap may be legitimate. If you are like most of us you will tend to keep kitchen soaps together and the guest may have not known which one to use. Also the operation of your dishwasher is obvious to you, but to others not familiar with controls and programs they may have felt it best to leave it to someone who knows......you!
If they had left a weeks worth of dirty dishes on the countertop or in the sink, that would be an entirely different matter and some sort of mention would be appropriate.
I would not count that as a hosting issue worth making public, at the most you could say in the private feedback you would have appreciated a bit more kitchen cleanliness and just leave it at that.
If that was the worst thing I have had to deal with as a host I would consider myself to be extremely fortunate!
@Robin4 , Thank you so much for your input, you can't imagine how, I have been beating myself up on it,but it is a lesson for me, we live and learn. I just felt, I have spent 5 minutes to blow away a 7 days work.
As for the review , it will not be mentioned- thanks for the advice