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Hello all,
Today, I would like to share one of the most reported cases on communication and fraud. There are sometimes guests who make enquiries to negotiate "off platform prices" or try to book a space for someone other than themselves. I’ve noticed that there’s an increase of said requests especially during the holiday and festive periods.
Do you have experience with such enquiries? If so, do you have any advice for responding to such messages?
I look forward to hearing your answers.
In your response, are you saying that, for example, an adult cannot book your place on behalf of a visiting parent? I’ve had that happen several times and I’m wondering if there’s something not wise about doing that. Would you respond to the person booking that (in this case) their parent has to register with airbnb?
@Flo2119 you may lose Aircover protection but we allow bookings for parents as there is no way my mother could set up her own account and verify it.
thank you for replying. Do you mean to say that if someone verified by airbnb books my place for their parents (and they tell me that up front), I am losing protection if anything happens to my property while they are here?
Yes you are assuming the risk of believing it really is the parents from someone you don't know on the internet. I fully understand request might be true
I instruct the child book the room for themselves with the parent as their guest. Airbnb will require an ID for the guest. The child can submit that it isn't hard. Airbnb does not require a bank account or credit card for a guest just a valid ID My price is the same for two people the Airbnb charges are maybe $10 higher because insurance for two guests. Since it is the guests situation to handle then if they aren't welling to pay $10 no I am not willing to risk paying a few thousand spending months evicting someone who never agreed to pay me anything.
I never met my guests. It is not a requirement to babysit the listing physically. How can you verify these on platforms?
I allowed anyone that Airbnb deemed to be a guest. And if someone booked for someone else, it is because they trusted the other person not to destroy their Airbnb reputation.
some people have no credit card or bank account to be an Airbnb member themselves, I don’t see the problem with that if someone else booked for them.
Some of the guests never replied and do not want to be disturbed. They have a 24 hours window to respond. You have been blessed with quick responses from your guests. I hardly met with my guests unless they asked me to, it because they have issues with what that have already instructed in the platform. I never have a clue who stayed on my listing.
I allowed anyone that Airbnb deemed to be a guest. And if someone booked for someone else, it is because they trusted the other person not to destroy their Airbnb reputation.
some people have no credit card or bank account to be an Airbnb member themselves, I don’t see the problem with that if someone else booked for them.
The potential problem is if John Doe books the room on Airbnb for Jane Doe. If Airbnb do not validate Jane Doe's identity or any criminal information then Airbnb can not offer you any support they don't know who is in your house. Your temporary rental agreement is with John Jane didn't acknowledge the agreement o depending on your state laws if she doesn't check out, you may have to follow eviction laws to remove a non paying tenant. Also since Aircover insurance was purchased for John Doe not Jane (they don't know about her) any damages are not insured.
That is why Airbnb says we don't support 3rd party bookings
Yes in fact I just had one last week. The questions the from guy from Nigeria asked clearly told me that he didn't read my description of what I offer. I went ahead and answered his questions anyway and never heard back from him. I even clicked on the part where you give them the option to book and 24 hours later it expired without any reply which is fine, so I wasn't preventing him from booking just clearing up his confusion.
And I've also took a booking from someone who booked for someone else which turned out to be the most problematic guest but she left without incidents. I had another request for that and I said why don't you just create your own account and she did, she is the one that's here now. Lastly I had a guest try to convince me that he wanted to stay long time but off of Airbnb platform, I previously had read that that's not a good idea and why I'll just use the term squatters and I never had an issue he left never to be heard from again and I will never let somebody stay here off of the platform.
hi Quincy i am a new host. Before my first reservation, a guest texted me asking for a discount. Then he asked for my number and then he wanted to see the house. I couldn't understand its purpose. I wrote to the Airbnb support team. came to see the guest house and offered me cash payment. I did not accept. but I wanted to share this with you. thanks.
Hi Quincy I've had guest ddo that before. I tell them I only go thru Airbnb. Trust me when I say Airbnb will of little use. I had a guy I did that exact favor for. When he couldn't afford his room anymore, I talked with guest renting rooms and the okayed it for him to stay òn my couch at a very nominal amount then ehn he couldn't afford that anymore I let him pitch tent in my back yard for a month that turned into 5 months until my city inspector came and m picked him out. He also called Airbnb on me, I thought I was doing something nice. He wasn't even a going thru them as a guest. The saying Buyerbeware really means it!
My response to request like these is I only go thru Airbnb. If they are fraudulent requests 99% of the time I never hear from them again, I still have the occasional that will try more responses, but they get blocked with the rest of them. I live in my Airbnb so I greet c them personally and I make sure they match the photo on the account. My rules are clear so there's no confusion in what's expected from them and what I offer.