I inserted the shortcodes into my scheduled messages but the...
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I inserted the shortcodes into my scheduled messages but they don't work...eg the message is sent to guest saying Dear guest...
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Are you the type of person who gets up early every morning? Do you try to stay quiet when a guest is there? Especially those of you who share your space; how do you handle mornings? Even those who have a separate entrance and space in your house - not all houses are totally sound proof. What do you do?
At what time do you think it is ok to relax and not be so conscious of the level of noise you might be making? Especially Saturday and Sunday mornings!
@Susan10 we have quiet hours from 9PM till 9AM. We of course try not to be loud during the whole days but as @Branka-and-Silvia0 said, we really relax after noon. We have 4 apartments all with the same entrance but on different floors andas soon as I hear a noise longer than 5min during the quiet hours I immediately go and tell them they need to be quiet. It always works.
Thanks! I have a guest who is on the phone from 5/6am every day. It is driving me mad and waking me up for two hours before he leaves around 7ish each day.
Last night I sent a message requesting respect to quiet hours and still Today he even was in the hallway and bathroom next to my bedroom on the phone. I went out and asked him to be quiet with no reply from him.
should I put this in the review? He has also bashed my wardobe, damaged a plug socket slightly and scuffed my wall with his suitcase.
Yes, put it in the review. This guest is being disrespectful. He's been reminded of the quiet hours and is choosing to ignore them. You don't have to go into details.
List positives if there were any, then something like: "X would not respect quiet hours despite being reminded a few times. He was also careless, damaging a number of things. I therefore cannot recommend him to other hosts."
For the most part, Henry and I are the ones sleeping till noon while the guests are up getting ready to go out or doing the laundry in the AM 🙂
We check with guests and ask if they are light sleepers or not, while we tell them that not much can wake me but Henry is a light sleeper. As long as it's not quiet time, we will make coffee and do normal morning things and expect guests to do the same. It's a two-way road.
@Jessica-and-Henry0 Same here, I'm a night owl and seldom get up before about 9:30, sometimes much later. My guests are normally up and out for the day before I emerge from my room.
@Susan10 I think 9 AM is reasonable to go about your day normally, as long as you're not running chainsaws or other loud stuff. I have a big bag of earplugs and put fresh ones out for each guest, although I find many guests travel with them already. So you might consider providing that.
@Susan10 The majority of my guests are working during the week so are usually up at about 6-7am, gone by 7.30. Silicone earplugs have been my best friend for a while now, I don't hear anything.
I've done everything that needs doing around the house by the time they arrive back in the evening so the noise is usually the guest heating a meal in the microwave, otherwise they are very quiet and are usually asleep by 10.30pm. I stay up until around midnight so If I'm watching TV I wear headphones so as not to disturb them.
You can mention what kind of routine you live by in your profile. ''We like to get up early, though we are quiet people we prefer morning type guests to match'' or somesuch.
I would like to see this, as I am usually a ridiculously early riser. I would think ''Whoohoo! I can have coffee without waking anyone!''
@Sarah977, if I came to Mexico I would be jetlagged anyway, so your late nights would probably match...
@Sandra126 My dog loves it when friends and family who are early risers come to stay and take her for an early morning walk 🙂
Dogs are listed on my profile and house manual, plus I tell all my guests in person at check in that they have an early morning routine (the only part they might hear is when I let them outside) but after that, everyone/everything is quiet. Out of 70+ guests only one has complained specifically about the dogs (so in all that is nothing to worry about) and one made a generic complaint of “noise” and that particular guest did not get up until after 11 am... coincidentally these two occurrences happened back to back so it has made me curious what time other hosts get up and what time is considered “too early.”
@Susan10 When we first started hosting, I was super sensitive to how much noise we were making. Luckily for us, I have come to realise that our Studio is like a little bunker apparently. Nobody hears anything!!
We've had our neighbours house alarm going off for 10 mins at 2am in the morning. A large steel bracket suddenly fall off our wall in the garage in the middle of the night. Random people running around our front yard with torches yelling for their dog that jumped off the back of their ute. All of these things woke us up ubruptly.... but not our guests! They heard nothing.
We also have a daily early morning routine of walking our dog down the harbour. To get there, we need to drive..... and so around 6.45 am every morning, we try to be quiet, but we still make noises! Car doors, starting the car, reversing out of the garage, garage door opening and closing. Our guest Studio is located just on the other side of the garage wall.
When we first started hosting, I would let our guests know that we have an early morning routine.... Given that they don't seem to hear anything, I don't even bother now.
I think if you live where you host, you still need to live your life as normally as you can.
My philosophy is similar to @Michelle-And-Michael0 in that I live my life as normally as I can. Most of my guests are only here 2-3 nights so they don't usually sleep in as they want to make the most of the time they have in town.
During the week I slip out of the house quietly at 5am for work so that's never an issue. On the weekends, or on days I'm not working, I usually try to be quiet if I haven't heard the guests get up. At the same time, if I have something I need to do, I don't hesitate to make noise if it's after 9am.
I have laminate floors and a dog so I do warn guests that they may hear the pitter patter of dog feet at random times when I let my dog outside.
I'm an early riser and do try to be quiet in the morning.
However, I find it impossible to make coffee quietly. After all, I haven't yet had my caffeine!
I bang things, drop things, swear.
My schedule is very quiet before 8 am
Normal quiet until 10:30.
Then I start turning over the house and everything goes