How long does it take for the Host to review the Guest?

Level 1
Endicott, NY

How long does it take for the Host to review the Guest?

I stayed at a place Friday to Saturday. It is now Sunday afternoon. I sent the Host a message saying I was leaving soon and that a cord on a shade broke. I see that she read it,but never replied back. We were in communication all the way up until that last message I sent. I did her review and then sent a message saying, to kindly do my review so mine for hers can get published....nothing. Shouldn't she of left my review already? I mean what is she waiting for?

8 Replies 8

Hi Connie,


As an Airbnb guest, you can leave a review for your host, and the host has up to 14 days to leave a review for you. During this period, reviews remain hidden until both parties submit them or until the 14-day window closes, whichever comes first.


The host may take their time for various reasons, such as being busy, wanting to carefully consider their review, or simply being unaware that reviews can be mutually beneficial.


It's good that you've already sent a polite message reminding your host about the review. If she read the message but hasn't responded yet, it might just be a matter of time. If she's a good host, she'll likely appreciate your feedback and follow up when she can.


I hope this helps.


All the best,

Upfish Management

Thank you for replying. But I was in communication with her up until the morning I was leaving. I sent a message and I could see she read it, but didn't reply back. Then when I sent the reminder to do the review so mine could be seen, nothing. She didn't read it, I think she blocked me or something. I don't know what Hosts can do if they no longer want to see messages or can block someone. It shouldn't take this long to do a review, in one of her messages she mentioned hoping I would leave 5 stars for her. Well, I did, you would think she would want others to see that in the review section. I am very upset that she is like giving me the shaft, when I was a very good guest and left the place clean and like I was never there. I am very disappointed in her actions. And she's a Super Host...who does that?? Sorry, I just needed to 

Too bad,

one of the challenge might perhaps be on user-understanding of the Airbn Platform,herein Tech.

anyway....that was a big error..

Level 2
Oslo, Norway

It’s understandable to feel concerned when your host hasn’t left a review yet, especially after you’ve already completed yours. Sometimes hosts may get busy or might need a bit more time to write their review. Since you’ve been in communication with her before, it’s possible she’s just delayed. If you don’t hear back soon, you could send a polite follow-up message. Reviews are important, and hopefully, she’ll respond soon. For more details on how reviews work and what to expect, you can check out this guide Thank you😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊

Thank you for replying. I did send a gentle reminder and it didn't show that she read it yet. My other messages do show that she read them. Can for some reason the Host block the guest? I do not know why she would do that, I a getting kind of upset about her snubbing me for no reason. Or if there is, just ell me! And she is a Super Host, it is very rude of her if you ask me...

Level 10
Orono, ME

I never immediately leave a review for a guest, even though I have always readily communicate with them. Sometimes the space can take me a few days to clean. Sometimes I like to have the next guest check in first. Sometimes my life gets busy. Sometimes I'm thinking of how to word the review. Or sometimes (gasp) I don't review the guest at all because they weren't as great as they think they were. 

Thank you for replying. I hope she does it soon. I read she has what 14 days to do the review? I know that I left the place spotless. I did break a shade cord, that I did tell her about in my last message to her that she never responded to on Saturday. I was adjusting the shade and the plastic cord that lowers and raises it broke or came apart and I didn't want to mess with it. Other then that I left it like I wasn't even there. I bring my own bedding, so the bed was still made, and I bring my own towels, so all the towels in the bathroom were never used...ect....anyways, thank you again.

Top Contributor
Stellenbosch, South Africa

Hi @Connie580 

I think you worry too much. The host has 14 days after check-out to review you, but apart from being a considerate guest, you have no control over what they write afterwards (the host is in exactly the same position when it comes to guest reviews). Guests are not required to be perfect, and from time to time things do break as part of the business. You did the right thing by telling her about the blind, so there's nothing else for you to do at this point. If I were the host, the most important thing for me would be to know right away that it was broken, so I can quickly make a plan before the next guest arrives.


I also think you are being overly considerate by using your own bedding and towels. You're paying, so don't feel bad to use what's there. You're there to enjoy the trip, so just be considerate within reason and don't think too much about reviews.