How should i charge for ruined bedding/mattress?

Level 1
Glenridding, United Kingdom

How should i charge for ruined bedding/mattress?

Hi, i would like advice.  I had guests to stay this week-end in a room in my home (its got a separate entrance so i didnt meet them), they were ridiculously loud til midnight, and when i woke at 5am still super loud... laughing, shouting etc.  they then moved to the outside space and did same.  I live in the middle of no where half was up a mountain, so the peace is perfect... guests in my hut outside also woken by them.  BUT... main problem is they spilt some horrible orange alcopop drink on the bedding, i cant get the stain out of the sheet and mattress protector and also the actual mattress cover. so its a huge orange mark about 5 inches diameter, and bigger on the sheet (i can replace the sheet).  i want to charge for the mattress really. BUT... i also have a problem, i overheard them saying the sink wasnt clean.  and my friend said they were moaning about everything earlier in the evening. he over heard them... they were loud.  I had a friend staying the night before who used their bathroom, i hadnt realised, and i left at 5am for work, so no idea if it really was a dirty sink or not. so i feel i cant charge for soiled bedding, as the sink and loo may not have been up to scratch? should i just leave it or charge £50 for soiled bedding (to replce them it would be over £100? i dont state that i would charge for damaged stuff in my description, so not sure if that's acceptable or not?

Can anyone help? Nicola. 🙂 

2 Replies 2

Hi @Nicola3611 ,


Dealing with situations like this can be tricky, but here's a concise plan of action:


Document the Damage: Take clear photos of the stained bedding, mattress protector, and mattress cover as evidence for any claims.


Review Policies: Check Airbnb's policies on damages. Guests are generally responsible for damages beyond normal wear and tear, even if not explicitly stated in your listing.


Communicate Clearly: Reach out to the guests politely but firmly. Describe the damages and inquire about their perspective. This helps clarify responsibility and willingness to cover costs.

Charge Appropriately: Considering the replacement cost of over £100, a £50 charge for stained bedding seems fair and reasonable.


Consider Cleanliness Concerns: Address the cleanliness complaint about the sink cautiously. If unsure about its condition before their stay, it may be challenging to enforce charges solely based on this issue.


Request Compensation: Use Airbnb's Resolution Center to formally request compensation for damages. Upload photos and details to support your claim.


Update Listing: Consider updating your listing to include clearer expectations regarding guest responsibilities for damages.


Maintain professionalism and clear communication throughout. Airbnb's support team can assist through their Resolution Center if needed.


I hope this helps.


All the best,

Upfish management

Level 2
Oxford, MS

Hi Nicola,
Sorry to hear about what happened. The average lifespan of a mattress is 7-10 years. If the damage requires replacement, I will prorate the damage cost based on the mattress's age. For a mattress that is 10 years old, there would be no charge. However, for a mattress that is two years old, I would charge approximately 65-80% of the original cost.