How to allow a guest 4months free cancellation

Level 1
Cape Town, South Africa

How to allow a guest 4months free cancellation

Hi everyone, I have a guest wanting to book in Dec2025. I would like to offer her a free cancellation option till the end of June.

How do I go about doing this on the AirBnb platform? Many thanks Mary-Ann

3 Replies 3
Top Contributor
Stellenbosch, South Africa

Hi @Mary-Ann162 

You can only have one cancellation policy for all of your bookings, it's not possible to set a different one for just the one booking. 

Change your cancellation policy - Airbnb Help Center


(In Cape Town in December it should be no problem to get someone else to book at fairly short notice if the guest cancels, so perhaps you don't have to lock them in from July? Just a thought - of course, if you want to go on holiday yourself and this guest is booking ideal dates for you to take a break, it's a different story!)


I suppose you could change your cancellation policy (if you are request to book). Have the guest book under the changed policy. Then after the booking, go back in and change the policy back to what you use now. That should work? 


Of course, don't accept any other bookings until you change the policy back. Test it out and see what happens? Change the policy. Try to book as a guest and see what it shows? Then change it back and see if it reverts to your original policy?

Community Manager
Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hi @Mary-Ann162


Already a booking for the next holiday season, how wonderful is that!


Joan and Shelley have made some suggestions on how you could approach this situation, did you get a chance to take a look? Let us know if it helps, and what you decide to do in the end for this booking. 🙂






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