We had one of the worst Airbnb experiences imaginable, and A...
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We had one of the worst Airbnb experiences imaginable, and Airbnb is refusing to help. Our host falsely accused us of breakin...
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This is actually a follow up to another post I made just recently about dealing with guests you would really rather not deal with.
I have said here before I don't like hagglers, guests with lots of questions.
On Monday this week I got this pre-approval request from what I would describe as my epitomy of how not to approach me and ask/request a reservation if you are a guest .
I sat on it for a few hours, logic should tell me to just say it may be better to book somewhere else. But you just never know, they might have IB,ed me anyway.
I even wrote a draft which I posted here of what I would like to have said.
Well I decided to take the bull by the horns and have a bit of fun with this request. You might think I am a calous sh*t but in reality, you are all behind me! None of you would want to accept a request from an enquirer like this.
So I took great delight in sending this........and quick as a flash the message came back.....'Not Possible'....brilliant, misssion accomplished!
There are times when Airbnb can be a lot of fun!
Lol lol 😉 cant think what put them off. 😉
Hahahahaha! I love it! I can imagine his face when he read your response...
But Suzanne, I would love you to have seen my face when I hit that submit button....talk about 'the cat that got the cream'.
I felt so good because it's about time somebody said to some of these entitled guests....f*ck off, you are not welcome here!
It was one of those epiphany moments we all really want to do....but don't have the guts to!
Mind you a glass or two of red made me a bit braver Emilia!
There are quite a few of this type of guest floating around at the moment. As hosts we put so much work into our homes and have to put up with some entitled and down right odd bods. I had two lots of guests last week that will not be welcome again, one had the stupidity to complain about my apartment layout to my friend who owns a business in town. Of course she didn't know that she was my friend, but I wish I could have seen her face when my friend Jill said "oh, thats my good friend Rosie, she has one of nicest homes in Kinsale!". Thank goodness my current whole house guests were so blown away and appreciative on arrival, it made up for the whiners last week. I think I will get a bit of dutch courage with the vino this weekend when I write the problem guests' reviews!
Ata girl Rosie, I am full of inspiration!
Airbnb are to blame for this though...you know that, don't you?
They keep on telling hosts to drop their prices while at the same time telling guests to find fault with those bargain basement properties they are promoting!
Guests feel they can do no wrong so, why not 'grow a pair' ......and shoot for the sky!
I totally agree it is airbnb's fault, it is setting guests against hosts with unreal, economically unviable expectations. It will end in tears for the company when other options enter the market hopefully. I listed on vrbo this year, and couldn't believe the difference in review processes. Airbnb is shooting itself in the foot with its constant need to provoke guests to find fault for the most stupid reasons. It makes sense to head off these difficult guests before they even book. If I get these requests I encourage them to book elsewhere too, but after reading your response, I see I have to up my game in the creativity stakes!!
Good points being raised, we experienced similar recently with guests laying a complaint with Airbnb but Airbnb not actually sharing their findings and immediately pushing for refunds. You get what you reward in the end - unreasonable guests with unreasonable expectations
Bahaha! That's classic, @Robin4 ! Thanks for starting my morning off with a belly laugh!
@Robin4 @This is only disappointing in that you didn’t work in the “I’ll be feeding the crocodiles” bit.
Good job!
extra credit if you check back in September to see which other poor hapless host got stuck with them. I reckon the review they leave them would be a doozy. OR perhaps you’ve so terrified them with your message that the next host will come off like a prince!
Bloody sh*t I forgot all about the crocodiles....I am really starting to show my age!
I am annoyed now Kelly, there could have been a great line there.....
"Cliff, just one other thing, I hope you are pretty spritely on your feet, with the lack of rain in this part of the world the crocodiles are not fussy about what food is on offer.....that sprint to the washing machine might be a bit of a challenge!"
God, the possibilities are endless.....Kelly I hate you!! :-))
Oi! Leave off, that’s got to be my line... not yours! After all it would be legit as our monsoon this year has been aptly named the nonsoon.
Lol. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Daughter Kate said....."You didn't really send that did you"?
I said..."Ordinarilly I wouldn't but, what with mum the way she is, Carol from across the road 'popping in wanting a favour all the time, the MOW stuff, Fran wanting to borrow money all the time, and just spending an hour in the bank changing over accounts and having by debit card declined....I just needed a bit of relief in my life...... and some guy wanting a run down on whether the visual state of my appliances would meet with his approval....well I just felt good doing it!"
Ade's reaction was..."You won't get into trouble doing that", to which I said....
"If Airbnb are going to turn their backs on my business to protect some pedantic user who has 4 reviews in three years, I think Airbnb are the ones in trouble!"
I am smarting that I forgot the crocs though Cathie....I am generally very good with details.
For newer users who don't understand what @Kelly149 brought up, I will sometimes send guests a welcome message like this ......
Every situation goes better with a bit of humour!