I noticed that the electricity usage has gone up from £1 a d...
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I noticed that the electricity usage has gone up from £1 a day to £10 a day and got quite alarmed ! I am hosting 2 friends on...
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After confirming that street parking is always available as advertised in this Airbnb listing. I reserved for Feb 21st to March 1st. It was cold Sunday night of February and I was very tired from all that driving. there was one street parking available across the street, but somebody put a metal chair in the middle of the parking space. I called Asael if I should remove the metal chair. Asael told me there should be no issue and just move it and park, which is exactly what I did. minutes later, there was women in that side of the house at 2nd floor, yelled at me that I should not park there, it is someone's spot. I said it is street parking. the woman then said "oh if you are going that way, let's see what is going to happen to you!" within minutes, there was 2007 black BMW 530i parks right next to my car and a man got out of a vehicle, demanding me to move out of the street parking. Uh oh…..
*identifying personal information removed*
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The black man put the metal chair on top of my car and dragged about 3 feet. which later day on daylight i noticed a scratch. he then threatened me to punch me in the face in the face and trash my car if I do not move my car. I moved away from him and called the Asael. Asael told me that I should fight for my parking spot like a proper American citizen and protect what is rightfully mine. well, no way. I did not sign up for his Airbnb, Just so that I could fight with his neighbor. Asael then suggested calling the cop, as he is far away and cannot help me. which I did. two officers showed up about 30 minutes later, and checked if I was in any physical harm. I explained the officer about how this guy threatened me and dragged metal chair on top of my car with my phone video recorder, but they were not interested. they asked the neighbor man to stop blocking the one way street and then they left, telling me that police should never be called for small incident like this as situation can easily resolved if both parties compromise. What the heck? I can assure that the neighbor had 0 interest in compromising. as soon as they left, the woman in the house and man started pressuring me to move my car or I will be blocked again. I was forced to move my car around the block. the corner parking is dangerous during snow with near 90 degree angle and big cars cannot pass there. A yellow cap almost hit my parked car during turning.
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Asael called me again, and I told him I am going to report to Airbnb for this incident, cancel this trip and go to other Airbnb or nearby motel to check in that night. but Asael assured me that full refund will be given, please do not call Airbnb as it will affect his rating and give him trouble, and I can stay for any duration i want until I find replacement and Asael will help me if I needed any help. I was relieved to hear that. the two-hour dispute at the outside was so intense for me, I just needed to rest.
However, for the next 6 nights I parked around the block next to 90 degree curve with no turning radius for even sedan. There was not much Asael could do to help me. Every night I was worried someone would dent my car. There was no other close parking spot near there. During the stays my tropical pet fish also passed a way, as it was stuck in my car when the guy blocked me from getting back to my car to move in. On the 6th night, I could not take it anymore, and decided to move out before my reservation was over.
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I asked him why he is not processing refund. He replied to me that only when trip is over refund can be processed. I asked him again after I moved out on the 6th day. No reply for the 2 days. 2 days later, he sent automated message at 7am, telling that he left 5 star for me so i should leave 5 star for me. I ask when is refund going to processed, he does not answer. then he started calling me on my phone asking for 5 star in return for 5 star, and when I ask about refund, he just changes topic back to reviews like a broken record! Seriously this man is insane! I could not continue this joke of a conversation anymore. My endurance was gone and FINALLY! I picked up my phone and contacted customer service.
*correspondence with customer service removed per Community guidelines*
I already spent 4 nights calling Airbnb customer service, not my favorite way of managing my time. Airbnb messaged me that they contacted Asael, and he now refuses to give refund! Customer service agent Andrew and Maria were particularly inattentive about the situation. Imagine myself describing same story every night with different customer service agent and they do not know how to even look into Airbnb message, and does not even know that there is host and guest message board and claims that contacting 24 hours is the only policy that Airbnb will honor. Whether listing was inaccurate or host promising refund and not providing refund, according to them, is NOT written in Airbnb refund policy, so it is at guest’s fault.
*correspondence with customer service removed per Community guidelines*
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Robert, the nice co-host
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Airbnb profile of Asael, supposedly the "SUPER-HOST"
Answered! Go to Top Answer
"On the 6th night, I could not take it anymore, and decided to move out before my reservation was over."
Sorry I missed that you did leave early. You could keep following up on that, but moving forward you have to contact ABB and not trust the host.
Goodness me... so sorry that this happened. Did you leave a a negative review?
Was the co-host unable to help you find a parking space? It sounds a nightmare. Yes I suppose finding somewhere else would have been the best solution.... A refund would have been merited then but the problem is that you stayed without reporting any difficulty. You could continue to apply for the promised refund but it does sound as if the Host deliberately misled you. Ghastly. In London you wouldn't mess with someone's parking protection!!
Thank you for the reply. I did not want to bothering the host after he promised i can stay there for as long as i want with full refund. That was big gesture on his end regardless of what happened to me, and he told me reporting makes situation very difficult for him. I thought i should help him out as well. Co host was nice. Neither host nor co host could find me nearby safe parking space. For example as we ran out of option for safe parking nearby, i suggested how about me paying not "the neighbor across" but nextdoor, but neighbor who had two private parking. They told me the next door neighbor will always report and have the car towed at my expense 😆
Salut @Ken2221,
I am so sorry to hear this happened to you and thank you for sharing your experience in the CC.
I'm glad that you are safe.
In the future, kindly do not try to remove any object in the empty parking space, cause someone maybe has taken the spot, mainly on the streets parking and you're alone in the cold and in dark night. It's really unsafe to do that.
Furthermore, you are in an unknown neighbourhood.
Eventually, You should be left the place from the beginning.
You can have a" Live chat" with the CS in the Airbnb Help center, request the Airbnb Ambassador to contact the host, insist the Airbnb case manager cancel the reservation with a full refund and help you to finds a new location immediately.
I'm totally agreed with @Mary996 " You could continue to apply for the promised refund ....."
In view of the host has promised you a full refund, you can demand it with the proof of both parties conversation images in the resolution centre. At lease, the host should be reasonable to refund you the four-nights in which you did'nt stay.
You are absolutely right to point out that when an incident happens, the guest should contact via Airbnb as soon as possible.
In your case, carry on to contact Airbnb CS report the incident, it may be frustrating but that is the only way to justify the refund.
As matter of fact, the host has written you a positive review and as well you described your negative experience in the host review.
By all mean, at present is important to acknowledge the incident to Airbnb.
I hope you get the refund as soon as possible and continue to use the Airbnb platform.
Not " every host was as it !"
Stay safe and Take care 😊
I entirely agree with @Dale711 and @John5097 that you most definitely should continue to apply for a refund for the unused nights.
Ask to escalate .
Get all your evidence assembled and copy the key parts to the 'chat' element of HELP.
Thanks for acknowledging your mistake over neighbour's description. I'm sure you will be more aware in the future. Its important isn't it? Very best wishes to you and for your refund. Do you have evidence of payment for alternative accommodation?
Thank You so much for the encouragement. I have been contacting customer service everyday, and they are keep closing the case in favor of host, as the only policy Airbnb will honor is reporting in 24 hours.
I honestly do not understand. What if it was the other way around, such as Airbnb guest caused damage to Airbnb Host's property and the host found out only 25 hours later the check out, then would guest not be responsible for any damage at all since it is over 24 hours?
What really infuriates me was that Asael the host, he was so perfect at coaxing me not to report to Airbnb that night to get rest of the refund, and drive to nearby motel to stay the night. He completely ignores message for days when I told him I would end my trip prematurely and move out and when I actually moved out earlier, and then get back to me exactly when my previously proposed reservation was over, and then block me when I finally ask him for refund that he promised.
"a black man got out of a vehicle" ... "The black man put the metal chair on top of my car". I'm curious; if the guy was white would you have felt it necessary to point this out? How is the colour of the person's skin - or even their gender - a relevant or necessary piece of information to include in your description of events?
Yes I would have pointed out if it was white man or any other color. It has nothing to do with skin color at all. I tried not to not to point about the specific, hence i did not even describe his age and look. When police told me to describe the physical description of a man who was threatening me, i told him he is black ,how tall, how old approximately. I am sorry that this offended you. i am still living the nightmare of that stay and i accidently said that on airbnb community as if I was informing the police officer, I should have mentioned his height and age instead.
I can understand why you'd use skin colour as part of the description you'd give to the police; it's relevant, as is what he was wearing, sex, height, etc etc. However, the only descriptor you used in this post was 'black man'. That says a lot, none of it good.
BTW, on another note, leaving your pet fish to die in the car because you were too lazy to carry them into your accommodation and provide power to warm and oxygenate their water would be a crime in my state in Australia. What kind of person leaves tropical fish to slowly die of suffocation in sub-zero temperatures? The worst aspect is it would have been a slow death as hypothermia would slow their metabolism and lower their oxygen demands
But hey, at least you car wasn't dented.
Louise0, I can see that how you are trying to portray yourself here, but I am sorry, you are failing horribly. Did you even read ANYTHING in my post other than the word "black"? in the photo, does it look like he is letting me get near my vehicle? he is literally blocking my car on the right, and when I tried to reach to get fish tank in the driver's seat, he pushed me back to stay away from my belongings in the car. I am sorry, I love my pet fish and wish they survived, but I was not to get into physical confrontation with the man who would spend 2 hours blocking the street just to keep his spot.
Why mention multiple times the colour of the neighbour ? @Ken2221
Would your experience have been a different if they had a different skin colour ?
why do you feel you were entitled to a refund? You could have chosen to ask Airbnb on the first night to cancel as you felt unsafe but chose not to.
why would any host let you stay for six nights and not pay for your stay?
Again, i apologize that i mentioned his ethnicity. Please read above how i accidently said that, i had no agenda whatsoever, to make the post offensive to anyone. I am sorry
Besides repeating what the earlier comment said, it is clear that you have not read anything else in my report. Reason for these two questions can be easily found in my report. Thank you for your time, i hope you actually read my story though
Nope you don't get a free pass, not in 2021. An unconscious bias is still a bias and you deserve to be called out on it. Hopefully, now you're aware of it you'll never do it again.
I'm sure you are a very good guest. I'm afraid your options to get a refund are limited. ABB can't force a host to issue a refund even if they said they would. There are too many circumstances where a host may be acting in good faith but then finds out that the guest wasn't being completely truthful. Still its not in host best interest to do that.
Moving forward this is a $20 a night room that says street parking. Most listings are not accurate about issues like this. If it says no private parking then at least be prepared to cancel the reservatoin and have some other options in mind.
Mentioning race could also get your review removed. You also said a neighbor in the apartment building wasn't friendly to you and that would also be irrelevant, and could get your review removed.
If host can't resolve the parking problem with his neighbors don't get involved like that again. At least where I live the police would have issued a ticket for damaging someone's car, (if there was am eye witness willing to fill out a police report, and both of you show up in court, etc etc) but at the same time anyone anywhere could have vandalized your car without you knowing who did it.
There is an inherent risk for both host and guest. If ABB isn't willing to offer you some kind of refund then you have done the best you can do. Moving forward off street parking could be worth a few extra dollars. Even in a suburb parking is an issue, and a neighbor may have your car towed for leaving it in front of their house.
Once you park your car on the street in public right of way its your own risk. It sounds like you have quite a story to share but its not worth the risk getting into a confrontation over a parking space. That's the host job. You left a review to warn others, so did your part. You can also keep contacting customer service but at this point its a point of diminishing returns. The host could have also received a warning and his account noted that the guest wouldn't be aware of. That happens all the time. ABB is pretty good about that.
"On the 6th night, I could not take it anymore, and decided to move out before my reservation was over."
Sorry I missed that you did leave early. You could keep following up on that, but moving forward you have to contact ABB and not trust the host.