ICON default homepage listings

Level 2
Antalya, Türkiye

ICON default homepage listings

Is it just me or does anyone else object to the default homepage being the ICONS page giving priority to the rich and famous over actual Airbnb listings? Every time I visit the Airbnb site the first image I see is Dojacat in my face it's deeply annoying and shows the values of Airbnb prioritising celebrity over the hard work and dedication of hosts who are the very foundation of the business. We work extremely hard to maintain our excellent standards while the celebrities do nothing themselves yet have first-page priority.  I have voiced my concerns to Airbnb of course their response was patronising and dismissive as is the standard these days. 

13 Replies 13
Level 4
Mazara del Vallo, Italy

I believe Icons are good. Also even before that, nobody would've found the majority of Airbnb listings by simply opening the home page.


In addition to that, having celebrities on the homepage can attract new Airbnb customers, which might eventually increase the brand awareness, and the number of guests that will use Airbnb.


That, by consequence, can impact the number of bookings hosts get.



Thus, even though you personally find it annoying, and you absolutely have the right to voice your concerns to Airbnb, they can reply to you that they prefer it that way.

In the end, nobody is obliged to host on Airbnb.


If they had to go after the concern of over 5 million hosts and act accordingly, it would be a mess.

You seem to support the Icons page passionately which of course is your prerogative.


May I draw your attention to the fact that there are currently a total of 5 active Icon listings followed by 15 expired listings on the front page of the Airbnb website.


Conversely, the total number of active accommodation listings on Airbnb is approximately 7.7 million worldwide.


My point is, that the homepage of a global platform designed predominantly for accommodation is giving priority to only 5 current listings which are collaborations with "artists" wealthy celebrities who have no need of an income only increased fame and fortune. 


Celebrities have nothing to do with accommodation searches, those requiring accommodation on Airbnb will not be influenced in any way by celebrity presence and since 2008 when Airbnb was created the platform has gained global status because of the hard work of the hosts. Icons were first listed on 1 May 2024 described as "Extraordinary experiences from the world's greatest icons" giving precedence to this extreme minority over the 5 million hosts worldwide who are the cornerstone of Airbnb.


As a hardworking superhost, I deeply object and my opinion will be heard by Airbnb, I do not need to be told by anyone I have a right to do so and that refers to yourself.


Airbnb must listen to its 5 million hosts as we are Airbnb without the 5 million hosts the platform would not exist, suggesting that my opinion is irrelevant as you inferred is an insult and I won't be insulted.


Airbnb also should respond to their hosts in a manner which is not dismissive as is often the complaint and your suggestion if I don't like it then leave which is essentially what you said is not how you address someone you do not know, be advised others will not take to your tone as calmly as I have.


I strongly suggest you don’t reply to anyone in such a demeaning manner ever again and don’t respond to me at all. 


Correct your manners. 



Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@James4358 Oh dear oh dear - If you post here then I am afraid you will get responses. You may not agree with the responses but then to say they are demeaning and demand that @Vincenzo89  never responds to you again is not the way to win friends and influence people.

I shall not trouble myself with repeating the last line of your response.

I have every right to respond to someone who is disrespectful condescending arrogant and essentially told me to shut up and go away. Your response is to the wrong contributing party, thanks so much and have a good day!


I'm sorry you feel I was disrespectful, or arrogant.

That was not my intention, and my words can be read above.


I just explained to you my point of view on Icons, to show that not all hosts or members of the community feel the same way about that, and motivated my thoughts on that.



However, I see you wrote in your first message:

"their response was patronising and dismissive as is the standard these days. "


And then:

"I have every right to respond to someone who is disrespectful condescending arrogant".


It looks like there's a pattern there, where all of the replies that are not "I agree, Airbnb should shut off Icons, you're right" are considered patronizing or arrogant by you! 🙂


This space is built for conversation.

If you do not want replies, you shouldn't post in a forum.


I will respond to you if you do write in a forum.


Have a nice rest of your day!

Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@James4358 Absolutely you have the right to respond to anything - That was exactly the point I was making re @Vincenzo89 's response to you.

The thing is Vincenzo is right. What Airbnb puts on its front page will not influence one jot what listing guests book with BUT the publicity they garner with whatever madcap scheme they come up with each month will increase the number of potential guests looking at Airbnb which benefits us all.

Publicity attracts viewers to a website, after searching I found no external campaigns by Airbnb to increase traffic to the site, the only press release was an internal announcement so this makes no sense at all.


99.9% of visitors to Airbnb are searching for accommodation, they are then presented with 5 active listings on the homepage for something that has absolutely nothing to do with the 7.7 million Airbnb listings and brings nothing at all to the 5 million Airbnb hosts, the Icons are completely redundant in terms of hosts accommodation listings.


Airbnb is on a high commission agreement with celebrities and experiences which are out of reach for the vast majority of Airbnb guests. Icon listings are a minuscule niche market designed for the highest profit possible for Airbnb and have no benefit to hosts.


All I have heard since I posted...


If Airbnb made the ICON page it must be beneficial to everyone.


Contacting Airbnb to express concern is pointless your view is irrelevant.


If you don't like it go away.


If you receive a rude response accept it and don't respond.


Capitulate to Airbnb blindly


Don't try to change anything you will get nowhere.


I have confronted an Airline and changes happened I have confronted a major supermarket chain and changes happened. I have confronted a major high-street pharmacy chain, received major compensation and the entire system of storing and prescribing medicine was restructured across 2100 stores.


I confronted Airbnb and escalated this case which is now with head office for review.




That’s great @James4358, I’m glad you are in a conversation with the head office to have Icons removed.

Keep us posted when they give you an update or if Brian Chesky contacts you to discuss the removal of the program!

"Thanks for your patience while we directed your case to the right team. I'm ……. and I'll be assisting you moving forward.


Thank you for reaching out and sharing your concerns about the current prominence of the Airbnb Icons on our homepage. We genuinely appreciate your feedback and understand the frustration you feel regarding the visibility and representation of active accommodation listings on our platform.


We recognize the vital role that Superhosts like yourself play in the success of Airbnb, and we deeply value the dedication and hard work you put into providing exceptional experiences for our guests.


I want to assure you that we are at the highest level that can review this type of inquiry.  Although immediate changes cannot be implemented, we will carefully assess your feedback and proceed with the necessary procedures in regard to any changes to the website carefully considering the feedback of our hosts, we will keep you informed. 


We appreciate your patience as we conduct this review. Your feedback is important to us, and we are committed to ensuring that all hosts' voices are heard and considered so If you’d like to give us feedback directly from your end because it will help us a lot, you can do so at: 




Please share the link with any colleague, and Thank you again for bringing this matter to our attention.


Best regards"

Hello @James4358 ,


Do you have any updates from the "head office" as to when the icons will be removed from the homepage following your request?


In your previous experience with implementing changes to major changes to airlines, major supermarket chains, and major high-street pharmacy chains, how long was the wait until your request would be implemented?



I'm asking you this because I can still see icons on the homepage, and I've seen new ones added recently.


Can you give me a time frame for that?

Did the 'head office' inform you of when they will make this change?

It is indeed encouraging that you now support this cause as passionately as I do for the greater good of all hosts on Airbnb. Heartfelt thanks for your tireless dedication.




I’m sorry for the confusion, @James4358 

I do not support the cause, as I can still see icons on the homepage thankfully, which I like.


I was complimenting you for working on your goal to have them removed and being in contact with the “head office”.


I thought it would be pretty hard to have those icons removed from the home page just because one (or even many)host doesn’t like them, as it was my understanding that Airbnb invested quite a bit of money on that.


Obviously, I was wrong from what you write, so I’m afraid we will see “Icons” removed from the home page quite soon due to your effort.


I’m sorry, because I thought they are beneficial.

But I do compliment you for the hard work and commitment, and for this goal you achieved!

Good job!

Level 4
Mazara del Vallo, Italy

Hello @James4358 ,


I see Airbnb just added a new icon on the homepage (https://www.airbnb.com/rooms/1131089498040701183).


Was this planned on your conversation with the 'head office'?


You wrote in one of your previous replies "I confronted Airbnb and escalated this case".


Does it mean you have more information than we do on the future of 'icons'?

Or does it mean simply that you sent feedback to Airbnb about your view of wanting to remove icons from the homepage?


Was your experience of confronting airlines,  major supermarket chains, and major high-street pharmacy chains the same?


Will icons be removed soon following your action?

I'm just asking this to get some more insights about the future of Airbnb as a host.



Thanks a lot in advance for any information you can provide on this!

