Level 1
Baton Rouge, LA


@AirbnbCEO The petulance, your thinking you can take any market share away from the hotel industry while showing total disregard to people who made the mistake to patronize your idiotic delusion.  Would you do yourself a favor and delete yourself.

So you think it is smart to not even not disclose to guests going to brazil in the middle of summer into a room that is not air conditioned but then when we call into your pathetic customer service, we find out you train your clueless customer service reps to be condescending and inconsiderate, you force their hand to make their call an uphill battle for anyone unlucky enough to have to waste their time dialing them. But whats realy impressive was how quick they learn what to say, do, and not do when they're given a chanceto make someones life hell on earth. They show obvious efforts to go out of their way to make the process as difficult as humanly possible, non-sensical verification of the account while they also exhibit not one inkling or effort to assist us in solving the problem. They will absolutely NOT escalate the call, they close our customer support case whie theyre babbling on the phone. Never listening to anything we say as we try to ex[lain the problem we are dealing with, without the case being solved. All they do is apologize for not solving the problem and "highly suggest" that we call back to re-open the case. Excuse me, who closed the case? My problem has not been solved! who closed it? well, re-open it!

2 Replies 2
Top Contributor
Stellenbosch, South Africa

Hi @Marcia848 

The community center is not able to resolve an Airbnb issue, it is a discussion forum.

If you're using Airbnb on the app, click Menu and scroll down to Visit the help center. In the guest tab, select the booking that you are having trouble with and proceed there to have it resolved.


You can check the description and amenities list of the place so long - a key question will be whether the host advertsed it as being air-conditioned.

Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Marcia848 You seem to have had a bad experience in Brazil and suggest this is an Airbnb issue that would not happen in a hotel. Strangely many hotels also do not have air-conditioning or other amenities. Its the same with Airbnb listings - Some have aircon and pools, some don't. All you have to do is read the description and choose the amenities you need/desire. It's really not rocket science.