I’ve been hosting in london for several years and this month...
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I’ve been hosting in london for several years and this month is the first time I’ve seen ADA notifications come through on Wh...
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Dear All,
I would like to arise awarness among the Airbnb community about how Airbnb manipulates the system and acts against the law.
My story is simple I have encountered a thief as a guest, who stole my laptop and wallet an left my belongings outside the listing
on the night of the 27th December 2023. Please seee the photos below:
These are the original police reports and lawyer warning letter(part of it otherwise it would be too boring):
As today this is my situation the Host still operates on the platform and left this review on my profile:
But here comes the magic, look what appears on her profile: NOTHING!!!! My review disappered
If you may think Airbnb provided sanctions to the Host this is their official response
According to Airbnb further actions have been taken ( stil I have to see it), Aircover recognised 4000£ of damage but no refund has been payed, I have requested the full amount of my staying to the Host via resolution centre but situation is still Ongoing , a year has passed
If you empathize to my claim please join this lawsuit : https://www.airbnbclassactionlawsuit.com/
Hi @Cosimo108
sorry it's not clear from your post . Why did the host remove your belongings from the listing you had booked .
did you leave them there post your checkout time ?
To make it more clear:
My resevation was from the the beginning of November to January: two months roughly,bit more (for a total upfront payment of 1500£). But she trashed my belongings on the 27th of December, while I was absent for a couple of days due the Christmas time, so I did not exceed my check out.
The reason of this absurd situation was my complaint about not having hot water. During my stay the listing was fully booked (3 international students + me) and just 50L boiler that would warm the water just once,overnight.
Me and the other students (they had no contract, no Airbnb) asked to fix it, she refused and many many times threatened to kick us out for "black spots over the parquet", "burned oven" or "missing cutlery".
Over Christmas 2 guys left indefinetely the listing, another one left to Ireland. I was the only staying behind. I was in Budapest but spent the Christmas with girlfriend.
She wanted to get rid of me , many many times I have asked Airbnb to ask her to fix the problem or at least to refund us for the missing services. She wanted me to cancel so she would not pay the reimbursment for the unspent nights.
So over the 27th of December, when she knew I wasn there she entered the listing, my room and removed my belongings ( without Airbnb approval) , taking custody of my laptop and wallet. In her eyes I stole "energy " from her, because I set the house temperature at 30°C.
I absoulutely have no explenation over the real reason behind it, she is an absolute nightmare a person who tried unconventional strategy to rip off students.
Hopefully it clears the situation
Anyhow I am pushing Airbnb to take serious actions against this Host, to have my laptop back,my money and more over to stop this person to make her profile suspended
Well , can't really say .
The event happened in Budapest,Christmas periods,with millions of tourists roaming the streets of the capital city. My guess they overload with reports for drugs and stolen items.
I was a foreigner not speaking the language, so...off you go, never heard nothing from them
Thank you much clearer @Cosimo108 .
presumably you have shared the police report you made with airbnb?
not sure why anyone would turn the heating up to 30c in Europe. Normally most people set it around 22c.
and absolutely if you had no hot water and the host didn't address the situation airbnb should have cancelled the booking for you so you could find alternative accommodation.
the host is not allowed to go in and removed your belongings while you are away .
you mention the host stole your laptop and wallet- it's strange you wouldn't take these items with you when going to another country for Christmas.
Yes, shared the police report, the chats and the lawyer warning letter.
Basically the Host said that I have set the listing temperature up to 30°C, violating the "House Rules", therefore "I stole from her ". So in her head she had the right to come into my room and do whatever.
For reference I was not there, so this 30°C overheat was absoultely pointless. Of course no police or no communication about cancellation from Airbnb. Even in the worst case scenario Airbnb would give 24 to 48hours after reaching out. None of that happened. We are talking about a lunatic person.
I think there is confusion about the laptop and wallet: I have not left the Hungary I was in Budapest at my girlfriend place since the 25th. I did not bring my laptop and the wallet with all my money and documents,since it was romantic liason, no really time for working or needing laptop. Supposed to be back the next day, but the romance went on and I woke up at 3 pm on the 27th. Hopefeully this will clear
it is difficult to advise you when you keep adding extra details in. @Cosimo108
did the host cancel the booking while you were away telling you that you had to clear the room by 11.30 the next day . If so they do have a right to go in and clear your room if Airbnb agreed to cancel the booking and you didn't return to clear your room by the checkout time. You don't get 24-48 hours in this situation you have to check out by the hosts check out time the following day .
You should have got a message from Airbnb confirming the booking was cancelled did you not received it?
is the host correct that she phoned you several times but you didn't respond ?
I still think it's very odd you wouldn't have taken your wallet when going to visit your girlfriend - she must be very generous 😀
anyway good luck with your court case but if Airbnb cancelled the booking and you didn't return by the checkout time to collect your belongings the host wouldn't be liable for putting your belongings outside your room .
you keep saying the host stole your laptop and wallet but I am assuming she didn't put them outside with the rest of your items when you didn't check out as they are valuable . Are you saying she refused to return the items?
I would definitely make a claim on your travel insurance as you have a police report confirming this.
Maybe it's bit unclear but i will try to get simple:
Reservation was from 5th of November to 7th of January, paid in advance.
The entire thing happened in one day 27th of December. She entered in the listing over the morning a 2 hours later she did the entire thing.
No cancellation by Airbnb
No check out not respected
Yes I have not taken wallet and laptop,because I went for a shag. I said "girlfriend" because I want to be sensible, but it's causing confusion: it was a shag from Tinder. Got to her place the 25th, supposed to leave next day, but carried on for another day. I woke up at 3pm, when everything was already done.
No she was not generous, no I wasn't in another country or other city.
I left the listing only for a "romantic date" , so I carried the least amount of items with myself.