How do I proceed with, this I have a guest with 4 kids. The ...
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How do I proceed with, this I have a guest with 4 kids. The kids dumped buckets of dirt and stones in the sink.. Completely c...
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I have made a few posts about me "catching" guests and narrowly escaping parties but one finally outsmarted me. I attribute the wave to cold weather in Chicago combined with a very slow streak that left a couple of weekends open, something I do not usually have.
There were no red flags. He booked in advance for a sleepover for a 14 year old son, 5 friends and 2 chaperones. Not a last minute booking (flag one scratched off the list). He was from Illinois but far out for a trip to Chicago for a teen's birthday to make sence. I told him about no extra guests at least three times and that I have a counter installed (Party Squasher) and he acknowledged it. I almost felt embarrassed to keep saying it because he had such well put together responses. He produced a list of minors prior to check in. I checked ID when he arrived. The second chaperone was not there so and was not lazy came back at 9 pm to check the second ID (even though my daughter JUST got home after three months away and this was the last activity I wanted to be engaged in). I could not possibly be more thorough. When I came at 9, there were happy kids running around, there were cupcakes on the table. No alcohol, no cars lining the street, no trays of food. No signs of trouble.
Party squasher counts devices. By 10 PM it was showing 40. I came up with an excuse- may be each kid has a cell phone, an ipad and a gaming device and maybe the tenant downstairs has a couple of people over. By 11pm it was showing 50.
When I called the guest, his response was: What did you think was going to happen? Of course I am having a party! I was floored.
I called Airbnb. I was suspecting for a while that there is no Santa, starting to doubt existence of unicorns, at least fully pink ones. But finding out that there is no SWAT team (Stop Wild party Airbnb Team) and the picture was a product of @Cathie19 imagination was the biggest blow of the night. That handsome guy was not coming to save me after all. Those of you not familiar, this is a reference to another thread here. I talked to regular rep, then got transferred to the special party department. 15 min on hold and I am told that the guidelines have not fully come out so they do not know how to help me. But he will talk to the guest and let him know that if extra people do not leave now, they will be evicted with no refund. The only thing I could think of asking in the moment was: are you saying he is eligible for a refund if he does leave right away?? It is a one night reservation!
I am now stuck with a one star review, smoking remediation bill and trying to figure out what I did wrong. By the way, if the guest were to be removed from the platform immediately following the incident, he would not have been able to leave me a review.
@Inna22 I read a host post, I think on another forum, where the host got a request for their home, which hosts a max of 8 guests, for a first birthday party for their baby. When the host asked how many people would be in attendace, the guest said 60-75.
Not only was the request outrageous, any experienced parent knows that this is not an appropriate birthday party for 1 year-old, no matter where you plan to have it. The baby will be in full crying melt-down mode and have to be put to bed. The party is all about the parents.
@Sarah977I agree with you, but a weird culture of having huge birthday parties for babies seems to be taking hold. I don't even know how many people of my acquaintance rent halls for their one-year old's birthday. I've never attended one of these ridiculous things, but it seems to be the norm these days.
Maybe it's all about the presents? Maybe it's all about Facebook/Instagram? Who knows...
@Jennifer1421 That is weird. I didn't know it was a thing. I raised 3 and I know that babies really get fussed with a lot of commotion. Maybe it's some status thing- who can throw the most elaborate party, for someone too young to have any concept of what's going on, then documented on Facebook or Instagram, a la Kim Kardashian.
@Sarah977 it is big in eastern europe. An American friend of mine still talks about how 10 years ago she was invited to a Russian one year old birthday party here in Chicago... in a wedding hall, without her kids and at 7 pm. The birthday twins were not there either. I personally did not do it for any of my kids. I did not have any parties for them till there were maybe 3. It makes no sense until then
Security cameras is a really simple answer, at my places, extra people always get caught.
@Juan63 The OP has Party Squasher and was alerted. The issue wasn't that she didn't know there were 50 people there, the issue is that Airbnb did nothing about it.
What do you expect Airbnb to do?!? Did 50 people show up at once? Camera works prior to coming in. This is more about enforcing your rules strictly and early.
@Juan63 What I expect Airbb to do is nothing. They are useless.
What they should do is ban the guest from the platform, but instead, they allowed him to leave a retaliatory review, completely counter to the blither about "community standards" and addressing review concerns they have been proudly announcing here. Airbnb allows guest to lie because Airbnb lies. They apparently see nothing wrong with lies.
Banning is great but they can't do anything while the event is happening.
@Juan63 and what do you do when they get caught? Not 1 or 2 people but 50 extra?
It would never get to 50 people. I check my cameras periodically, one extra person is one too many. They get kicked out.
@Juan63 what is your workflow? Do you watch your cameras 24/7? Or you get an alert every time someone goes in? And then check it against the entire line up of IDs to make sure this is a new person? or then go back and count how many went out vs how many went in? I am just trying to understand how this can reasonably work before we even get to the part of how I would handle the actual kicking out. Police in Chicago will laugh at me if I call them for one extra person at the property who is not causing any trouble as far as they are concerned and I am not always comfortable confronting my guests. But like I said, before we even get to this part, I wonder how you actually catch them in the moment.
@Inna22 What did you do wrong?? I don't think you did anything wrong. Judging by the completely incoherent review he left, the fact that he broke your no party rule, (not to mention the no smoking rule ) after you VERY THOROUGHLY laid down the law, PLUS mentioned the party squasher, I think the highest compliment we can pay this guy is to say he's extremely stupid, in the purest form of the word. And the proof is in the pudding right here, that all of ABB's blathering about 'strengthening our commitment to community standards'...'protecting you when things go wrong'....'we'll crack down on parties'.....bla bla bla bla bla is just a big stinky load of hot air. Here we have a blatant 'no parties' rule breaker who is still on the platform, just left you a clearly retaliatory review, and ABB just stands there like 🤷♀️ I have no more words. No words.