Here is the issue: I received a Reservation Request but could not open it. i could not accept or decline or open a message from a guest. It said "something went wrong". when opened. as a result because I could not open it my ratings dropped from 100% and my rankings dropped al ot. I was always on the first two pages and now I am lucky to be on the bottom pages, if seen at all.
Update: Airbnb informed me after a back and for for two months that "Unfortunately the Response Rate can't be reversed to the previous stats. This is not right considering it was not my fault but was on Airbnb's end. These glitches should be fixed. It affects hosts who are just trying their best. Anyone have any suggestions what I do now? I never get reservation requests. This was my first in 11 months of being opened. I don't know what to do. I am at a loss and so disappointed with Airbnb where I once praised them.