No booking at The BeachHouse, Southbroom, South Africa

Level 2
Centurion, South Africa

No booking at The BeachHouse, Southbroom, South Africa

We used to have bookings at least once a month. The past 3 months no bookings and none until middle December 2024. Please advise what I should change.

1 Reply 1
Level 3
Santa Monica, CA

Hi there @Percy48 ,

It’s concerning when bookings drop off unexpectedly. Here are a few suggestions to help you get more visibility and potentially increase bookings:

Start by ensuring your listing is current and showcases your property in the best light. Fresh photos, updated descriptions, and highlighting unique features can attract more interest. Feature the most attractive part of your property instead of the big Apricot logo so people know what they're getting before clicking on your lisiting  High-quality visuals and engaging content can make a big difference.

Improving guest communication is also key. Offering a comprehensive welcome book can greatly enhance the guest experience. You can send this as a PDF through messages or print it for guests to find upon arrival. This helps set clear expectations and provides important information about your property.

Review your pricing strategy to ensure it’s competitive. Offering promotions or discounts, especially during low seasons, can help attract bookings.

Lastly, encourage past guests to leave positive reviews. Strong reviews can significantly impact future bookings.

Websites like templacity offering customizable templates for welcome books often have some great design options. These can help you create a polished and professional guide that makes your listing stand out.


So yeah one big thing is you listing first image it doesn't look like a rental property if you find it outside of Airbnb Guests are looking for visuals of the property itself, not a logo. A logo doesn’t convey the atmosphere, quality, or features of the space.


Hope these tips help, and best of luck with your bookings!