Not received any booking since last 3-4 months

Level 1
Varanasi, India

Not received any booking since last 3-4 months

Hi, I am Akash I have started hosting 6 months ago I have a 3BHK Apartment located in varanasi, Uttar Pradesh India and i have hosted a fully furnished 3 BHK apartment in the city centre with the maximum possible amenities and features a caretaker to support with all the issues and security guard , free parking and every thing but still I have received only 3 booking in last 5-6 months and not a single booking since last 3 months I have tried changing the photos , listing descriptions and many other possible changes that I found should be done but I guess it is not enough at all I need some kind of guidance to how to attract more booking as I am very disappointed with the performance of my property on airbnb So I will very overwhelmed if someone can help with this. The major issue which I think is my property is on searching the city name my property is shown very low in the listing like after 100s of properties people never go till there so there is no footfall on my listing even searching the property by the name of listing it is shown 16th on the list after 15 other properties of the same area I don’t know how to bring the property up in the listing. 

2 Replies 2

Hi Akash,


It sounds frustrating to experience low visibility and booking rates despite offering a well-equipped and centrally located apartment. Here are some strategies that could help improve your listing's performance on Airbnb:


  1. Optimize Your Listing:

    • Title and Description: Ensure your title is descriptive and includes keywords potential guests might search for (e.g., "Luxurious 3BHK Apartment in Varanasi City Centre"). Update your description to highlight unique features, amenities, and the local attractions nearby.
    • Photos: High-quality photos are crucial. Ensure they are well-lit, showcase all rooms and amenities, and highlight any unique aspects of your apartment.
    • Amenities: Double-check your amenities list. Include all amenities that guests expect and look for, such as Wi-Fi, air conditioning, kitchen essentials, etc.
  2. Improve Search Ranking:

    • SEO Optimization: Use relevant keywords throughout your listing, including in the title, description, and amenities.
    • Update Calendar Regularly: Keeping your calendar updated shows Airbnb that your listing is active and can potentially improve its search ranking.
    • Reviews: Encourage past guests to leave reviews. Positive reviews can significantly improve your listing's credibility and search ranking.
  3. Enhance Guest Experience:

    • Responsive Communication: Respond to inquiries and booking requests promptly. Quick responses can improve your response rate and ranking.
    • Guest Comfort: Ensure your caretaker provides excellent service. A positive guest experience leads to better reviews and repeat bookings.
  4. Promotions and Discounts:

    • Special Offers: Consider offering discounts for longer stays, last-minute bookings, or special promotions during off-peak seasons.
    • Featured Listings: Explore Airbnb's options for promoting your listing, such as becoming a Superhost or using Airbnb's promotional tools.
  5. Local Attraction Highlighting:

    • Local Guide: Create a guidebook for guests with recommendations for nearby attractions, restaurants, and activities. This can make your listing more appealing to potential guests.
  6. Get Feedback:

    • Ask for Feedback: Reach out to past guests for feedback on their stay and any suggestions for improvement. Implementing guest suggestions can enhance your listing's appeal.
  7. Monitor Competitors:

    • Competitive Analysis: Check out similar listings in your area that rank higher. See what they offer and how they present their listings to get ideas for improving yours.
  8. External Marketing:

    • Social Media and Local Listings: Consider promoting your listing on social media platforms or local travel websites to increase visibility.

By implementing these strategies and continuously monitoring and updating your listing, you should see an improvement in your Airbnb booking rates and visibility. It may take some time and adjustments, but persistence and attention to detail can pay off in attracting more guests to your apartment.


I hope this helps!


All the best,

Upfish Management

Community Manager
Community Manager
Port Moody, Canada

Hello @Akash228, welcome to the Airbnb Community Center,


In our community, there's a fantastic board titled 👉Ask About Your Listing, where both new and experienced Hosts come together to share tips on enhancing their listings through 👉Critique My Listing threads. Would you be interested in joining this initiative? This could help your situation by providing more ideas on how to increase your bookings.


All the best,



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