Offered to allow guests who brought 50 fishing poles to fish from the riverbank, to leave a day early.

Level 2
Boomer, WV

Offered to allow guests who brought 50 fishing poles to fish from the riverbank, to leave a day early.



I have a short term rental on the Kanawha River. In my listing I mention that guests may fish from the dock which is attached to a steep embankment. Last night the guests checked in about 10:40 pm and messaged angry that the grass hadn't been cut and they couldn't night fish. This morning I got the message and told them that no guests had complained about the weeds lining the steps down to the dock but that I would have them cut today. They said that isn't good enough and they were going to buy a weed eater and do it themselves. I said no, that my husband will come down immediately and cut them and they cannot cut the weeds themselves as it's a liability. When he got there he discovered that they were complaining about the riverbank weeds, not the weeds along the steps. My husband told them that we do not cut those nor do we encourage guests to fish from the bank as we do not know how safe it is there. The river washes debris down and the hill is steep etc.  I told them they can fish from the dock or go to a public location to fish on the bank. I suggested that if they weren't happy with these options, I would refund them tonight's stay (their last night). So, they left. How do I refund the last night through ABB and open it back up on my calendar? I want to go about this the right way. 

1 Best Answer

You can change their stay to different checkout day.  It's in the details section of the booking email.

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8 Replies 8

You can change their stay to different checkout day.  It's in the details section of the booking email.

Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
Pontefract, United Kingdom

Hi @Beth5282!

I see @Rain8  has stopped by with a tip on how to change the guest's checkout day. Were you able to get that sorted?



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Yes, I got it taken care of. Thanks for the help!

Level 10
Placencia, Belize

I am still trying to envision how do you fish with 50 poles at the same time.

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

So am I @Fred13 the Mind boggles 😁😁😁

We were stunned to see them all lol I have no idea how he planned to manage that. 

Fishing at night is generally legal, but regulations vary by location. Many places permit night fishing, and some even have specific regulations or licenses for it. However, certain areas may impose restrictions to protect wildlife or maintain public safety. It's essential to check local fishing regulations, as violating them could result in fines or other penalties. Additionally, some species might have specific rules governing their capture during nighttime hours. Always ensure compliance with local laws and guidelines to enjoy night fishing responsibly and sustainably, while respecting the environment and fellow anglers. Check more on:**

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Yes, totally agreed with you...