Payoneer as payout method: expired card : how to change payoneer card number on my account?

Level 2
Cape Town, South Africa

Payoneer as payout method: expired card : how to change payoneer card number on my account?

Hi Airbnb Wizards


Airbnb payoneer card ( with airbnb logo and design) is expired.

Requested  new card from Payoneer.  Received ( with airbnb logo and design) and activated.


Puzzled how to change payoneer card  number from old card to new card on airbnb payout method.

There is only 2 options available on Edit option:

1.  To remove payout method

 2. Set as default


If to click  option "add new payout method - payoneer prepaid card - apply for..."  response is 

"you already have payoneer account".


Called Airbnb support twice, different solutions was advised:


1. One response was " its all set for payoneer card payout method, you don't need to do anything",

but " we can't see card number loaded on a system due to security reasons'

2. Second response was to delete payoneer card as payout method completely and apply to new account and card  from scratch. 


Did anyone find the correct solution?


Applying for new card from scratch is not a option as applying for new one and waiting it in a post for 2 months does not make sense.

And there are posts on this forum about problem with applying for new payoneer account and card while there is existing account and active card.

3 Replies 3
Level 2
Skopje, Macedonia (FYROM)

Hello Oksana. Today, after 3 years I have the same problem as yours. Did you find a solution? Can you help me?

Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hi @Leon3007, I was wondering if you 

have contacted Airbnb Support? You can do so through the Help Centre:



Please follow the Community Guidelines

Level 3
Cape Town, South Africa

Similar problem, trying to switch existing Payoneer account to a new card in my co-hosts name,

Have the new card approved (apply for a virtual card, its much quicker) and have loaded it to the Airbnb platform as a PAYMENT method. However when trying to load it as a PAYOUT method,

 we get the error "OOPs looks like you have an account already"

I have deleted my other account as a Payout method over a week ago, but still get this error.

I have contacted both Airbnb help and Payoneer help, on many occasions and still don't have an answer. Each help center says the other one should delete the old account first (which we have done). I think this is an Airbnb problem as they are the ones that restrict you to just 1 Payoneer card per host.

Still looking for a solution.