Qiitting hostig after 9 years and over 2500 reviews with a 4.rating. Guest bias and host neglecting

Level 2
Seattle, WA

Qiitting hostig after 9 years and over 2500 reviews with a 4.rating. Guest bias and host neglecting

I am quitting as an Airbnb host after 9 years and over 2500 reviews with a 4.6 rating. They have become increasingly pro guests and dishonest with me about their mistakes. They take no ownership. I have had many sleepless nights in the past month worrying about my business losses caused by airbnb mistakes. I will elaborate for anybody who is interested by going through future guests, I was finally able to fix things. They ignored me and responded to my guests. Beware of the useless and powerless airbnb ambassadors 

1 Reply 1
Level 3
Santa Monica, CA

Hi @Sarah113 ,

I’m sorry to hear about your difficult experience with Airbnb. It’s clear that after nine years and over 2,500 reviews, you’ve put a tremendous amount of effort into hosting and it’s disheartening to face these challenges.

Your frustration is understandable, and it sounds like you’ve encountered some significant issues with the platform. If you’re open to sharing your experience in more detail, it might be valuable for others in the community to learn from.